At 09:22 AM 3/17/2004, Marco Marongiu wrote:
Anyway, if I substitute the last <xsp:logic> section with this:

                <xsp:element name="th">
                  if ($nodes[1]) {
                  } else {

This doesn't work but, as far as I can see, should be equivalent to the previous code.

Hmm. That doesn't look right to me - first (without testing) I'm not sure <xsp:expr> will get evaluated inside of <xsp:logic>. It may just be written as xml. Check your final page if you can, to see what it's building.

I would try something like:

                <xsp:element name="th">
                    <xsp:expr>$nodes[1] || "&amp;nbsp;"</xsp:expr>

You don't need all that extra logic and nested tags - the beauty of xsp:expr is that it evaluates a perl expression, which is perfect for your situation.

Let me know how that goes,

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