I have pasted output from the error log, and I can see that the code piece

__mk_text_node($document, $parent, "" . do {time()}); # non xsp tag

is used the first time just to be replaced with

__mk_text_node($document, $parent, q|1084263754|);

in subsequent reloads. But the why still eludes me!

[AxKit] fast handler called for /axkit/jbn/now.xsp
[AxKit] Running plugin: Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Passthru
[AxKit] Running plugin: Apache::AxKit::Plugin::QueryStringCache
[AxKit] Running plugin: Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::PathInfo
[AxKit] Running plugin: Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Passthru
[AxKit] Running plugin: Apache::AxKit::StyleChooser::PathInfo
[AxKit] Running plugin: Apache::AxKit::Plugin::AddXSLParams::Request
[AxKit] Content Provider Override: Apache::AxKit::Provider::File
[AxKit] decoding from UTF-8
[AxKit] [req] File Provider given $r: /var/www/axkit/jbn/now.xsp
[AxKit] checking if we process this resource
[AxKit] media: screen, preferred style: #default
[AxKit] Cache: key = 01b5270cad1a956d79810394c216595f
[AxKit] getting styles and external entities from the XML
[AxKit] styles not cached - calling $provider->get_styles()
[AxKit] using XS get_styles (libxml2)
[AxKit] encoding to UTF-8
[AxKit] calling xs_get_styles_fh()
[AxKit] calling xs_get_styles_str()
[AxKit] xs_get_styles returned: , , {http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Core}page
[AxKit] Calling GetMatchingProcessors with (screen, , , , {http://www.apache.org/1999/XSP/Core}page)
[AxKit] get_styles: loading style modules
[AxKit] get_styles: looking for mapping for style type: 'application/x-xsp'
[AxKit] get_styles: looking for mapping for style type: 'application/x-xsp'
[AxKit] cache doesn't exist
[AxKit] some condition failed. recreating output
[AxKit] styles: Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP(NULL)
[AxKit] styles: Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP(NULL)
[AxKit] Style Provider Override: Apache::AxKit::Provider::File
[AxKit] [uri] File Provider looking up uri NULL
[AxKit] [uri] File Provider set filename to /var/www/axkit/jbn/NULL
[AxKit] about to execute: Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::handler
[AxKit] Cache: key = 5db1190057e9b5c3ebd30ebb16bd9941
[AxKit] XSP: parsing fh
[AxKit] XSP: Parser returned doc
[AxKit] Recompiling XSP script
package Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::ROOT::var::www::axkit::jbn::now_2exsp;
use Apache;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use XML::LibXML;
Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page->import( qw(__mk_text_node __mk_comment_node __mk_ns_element_node __mk_element_node) );
#initialize xsp namespace
#initialize xsp namespace

@Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::ROOT::var::www::axkit::jbn::now_2exsp::ISA = ('Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page');
sub xml_generator {
my $class = shift;
my ($r, $cgi, $document, $parent) = @_;

$parent = __mk_ns_element_node($document, $parent, q|uri://axkit.org/NS/Default|,q|page|);
$parent->setAttributeNS("","xmlns",q||);$parent = __mk_ns_element_node($document, $parent, q|uri://axkit.org/NS/Default|,q|body|);
$parent = __mk_ns_element_node($document, $parent, q|uri://axkit.org/NS/Default|,q|heading|);
__mk_text_node($document, $parent, q|Hello World|);
$parent = $parent->getParentNode;
__mk_text_node($document, $parent, q|
It is now: |);
__mk_text_node($document, $parent, "" . do {time()}); # non xsp tag
$parent = $parent->getParentNode;
$parent = $parent->getParentNode;

return OK;

[AxKit] XSP Compilation finished
[AxKit] Turning off cache!
[AxKit] Cache: key = 463cf4d3f0b7f975a968f79902a099b1
[AxKit] Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::handler finished with code 0
[AxKit] execution of: Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::handler finished
[AxKit] Style Provider Override: Apache::AxKit::Provider::File
[AxKit] [uri] File Provider looking up uri NULL
[AxKit] [uri] File Provider set filename to /var/www/axkit/jbn/NULL
[AxKit] about to execute: Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::handler
[AxKit] XSP: parsing dom_tree
[AxKit] Recompiling XSP script
package Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::ROOT::var::www::axkit::jbn::now_2exsp;
use Apache;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use XML::LibXML;
Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page->import( qw(__mk_text_node __mk_comment_node __mk_ns_element_node __mk_element_node) );
#initialize xsp namespace
#initialize xsp namespace

@Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::ROOT::var::www::axkit::jbn::now_2exsp::ISA = ('Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page');
sub xml_generator {
my $class = shift;
my ($r, $cgi, $document, $parent) = @_;

$parent = __mk_ns_element_node($document, $parent, q|uri://axkit.org/NS/Default|,q|page|);
$parent->setAttributeNS("","xmlns",q||);$parent = __mk_ns_element_node($document, $parent, q|uri://axkit.org/NS/Default|,q|body|);
$parent->setAttributeNS("","xmlns",q||);$parent = __mk_ns_element_node($document, $parent, q|uri://axkit.org/NS/Default|,q|heading|);
$parent->setAttributeNS("","xmlns",q||);__mk_text_node($document, $parent, q|Hello World|);
$parent = $parent->getParentNode;
__mk_text_node($document, $parent, q|
It is now: |);
__mk_text_node($document, $parent, q|1084263754|);
$parent = $parent->getParentNode;
$parent = $parent->getParentNode;
return OK;

[AxKit] XSP Compilation finished [AxKit] Turning off cache! [AxKit] Cache: key = 463cf4d3f0b7f975a968f79902a099b1 [AxKit] Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::handler finished with code 0 [AxKit] execution of: Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::handler finished [AxKit] delivering to browser [AxKit] Delivering xml_string [AxKit] writing xml string to browser


Matt Sergeant wrote:

I couldn't see anything at first glance... Can you turn on AxDebugLevel 10, and AxTraceIntermediate. The latter should make the script that is compiled from your XSP available on disk in the directory you provide as an option. This is the best way to debug strange behaviour in XSPs - just look at the perl code and it should become obvious.

AxDebugLevel 10 should tell you whether the output is being cached or not (it shouldn't be).


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