I've recently done a fresh install of AxKit on a new Powerbook. 

Once I'd overcome Apple's helpful omission of /usr/lib/gcrt1.o (or
similar), I was delighted by how smoothly things went. 

This is just to thank everyone who has put so much work into the Perl
XML, AxKit and Apache code, and to document the versions which appear
to work for me.

I'm not a fan of linking non-fink stuff against fink, so I installed
from source:


Following Michael Kroell's advice I used XML::LibXML 1.58 and
XML::LibXSLT 1.57, in fact all the Perl stuff came from CPAN.

Some random comments:

1. I needed to add -libiconv to Makefile.PL to build Text::Iconv.

2. When installing AxKit, Apache::Test seemed to give problems which I
   just avoided.

3. To build Apache and mod_perl I followed the instructions here:

   (There's more there about installing e.g. iconv which is
   superfluous because Apple bundle it, and patching libxml2 &c. which
   seemed to be unnecessary for me).

I don't do anything particularly wild or wacky with AxKit, so whilst
things appear to work for me YMMV.

Thanks again for making this 'just work'.


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