peter dot 3 dot edwards at bt dot com wrote:
> Ack.
> So you think it's best to compile absolutely everything
> by hand?  Apache, perl, and all the dependencies mentioned
> here?:

Not everything. Everything Perl.

> I was kinda hoping I could use gentoo to avoid some of that.  :/
> ah, well, I guess I should be resigned to that.

Use Gentoo for Apache, libxml, etc.

Use CPAN for the Perl dependencies.

> I'm not sure I followed what you were saying about gentoo
> requiring the libxml stuff.  Surely if gentoo requires it,
> I can't remove it and replace it with my own version?

I suppose that was misleading. What I meant was go ahead and use Gentoo to
install the non-Perl dependencies. But be aware that every time there's a
new Gentoo libxml ebuild, it's likely to break XML::LibXML... and you'll
have to reinstall XML::LibXML.

> Many thanks for your response - even if it did confirm what
> I was hoping to avoid!

I got AxKit working on a Gentoo machine over a year ago... According to
Georgi Georgiev's nowadays it "just works".

I still think it's good advice to manually install the stuff you intend to
actively mess around with. But there's no reason for you to grind my ax if
you'd rather just emerge -u AxKit.



        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Garrett Goebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Wed 6/16/2004 7:30 PM 
        To: Edwards,PR,Peter,XJG4 R; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: RE: AxKit 1.6.1 on gentoo linux - simplest way to install?

        peter dot 3 dot edwards at bt dot com wrote:
        > Does anyone else out there use AxKit under gentoo?
        I have.
        > What's the simplest way to install it?  Having previously
        > set it up by hand under SuSE 9.0, I'm aware how sensitive
        > it is to the versions of its underlying dependencies.
        By hand.
        As you've said, AxKit has version sensitive dependency issues. Using
        upgrade recommendations can screw things up. There's an even greater
        disconnect with gentoo perl packages. Perhaps some day the gentoo
folk will
        figure out how to harness cpan to keep Perl modules up-to-date. But
        that won't fix the version dependency issues AxKit has today.
        Your best bet is to try to avoid gentoo perl packages as much as
        for AxKit's dependencies and opt instead to install them by hand.
Where this
        is possible, it'll avoid the invitable emerge -uD world upgrading
        modules willy nilly and stomping on AxKit's version dependency
        However gentoo requires libxml. So everytime you emerge/upgrade
libxml, be
        prepared to reinstall XML::LibXML to the AxKit friendly verison by
        > I tested the collection of versions stated here:
        > emerge -vp =libxml2-2.5.8 =libxslt-1.0.33 =AxKit-1.6.1
        > =XML-XPath-1.13 =XML-LibXML-1.54-r1 =XML-LibXSLT-1.53
        > =XML-Parser-2.31-r1 =apache-1.3.29-r1
        > but it failed due to the ebuild of the particular libxml2
        > version (2.5.8) not being marked as available in gentoo's
        > portage at the moment.
        I don't think you'll have much luck finding old ebuilds.
        Try the current ebuild and see if it works.
        I think AxKit's version sensitivity comes more from the Perl side
        modules have been modified breaking backward compatiblity. You
should be
        able to pull the recommended perl modules from cpan. Of course, now
        I've said that someone will tell you that I'm wrong.
        > So, I'm a little concerned that simply typing "emerge AxKit"
        > might install everything but then it won't actually work
        > collectively as it's supposed to. If that happens, I won't
        > have a clue how to debug it.
        Sounds like a reasonable fear.
        Don't emerge AxKit. Or sign up for the gentoo developers mailing
list and
        start a correspondence with the gentoo AxKit package maintainer now
to see
        how friendly and responsive he/she is. I only use emerge for the
stuff I
        don't actively mess with. You're going to need to mess with AxKit.
        Do it yourself. You'll understand it better and have a better chance
        fixing it when it breaks.
        > P.S. More of a gentoo question than an AxKit one but, once
        > installed, how do I stop it from messing with the particular
        > config when I later run "emerge --update --upgradeonly world"
        > to keep my system up to date?
        I know you can do this, but I can't recall whether you specify
        directories or files. -Sounds like an issue you'll need to look for
        answer to on the gentoo forums.
        Garrett Goebel
        IS Development Specialist
        ScriptPro                   Direct: 913.403.5261
        5828 Reeds Road               Main: 913.384.1008
        Mission, KS 66202              Fax: 913.384.2180          [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

ScriptPro                   Direct: 913.403.5261
5828 Reeds Road               Main: 913.384.1008
Mission, KS 66202              Fax: 913.384.2180          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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