Hi, I'm looking to put together a content management infrastructure to support our website which runs apache and axkit and was wondering what the general concensus is on the best out there. I have been looking at the likes of XMLSPY and its Template designer tools to allow non technical people to enter content but need a decent workflow mechanism to be able to manage the process of having content created and then deployed. I used Teamsite interwoven once and it was brilliant but is way too expensive for this project. Does anyone have any experience with MidGard, OpenCMS or Redhat CCM? Have they successfully integrated them into an Apache/AxKit environment? Are their other options I should consider? Ideally looking for an open source CMS that just does content management and not content delivery.
Thanks in advance, Tom --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]