svgpage.svgxml: --------------------8<-------------------- <html> <head> <title>My XHTML+SVG</title> </head> <body> <svg id="image1"><!-- SVG CONTENT --></svg> </body> </html> --------------------8<--------------------
html.xsl --------------------8<-------------------- <!-- more XSL --> <xsl:template match="svg"> <!-- replace svg through image --> <img> <xsl:attribute name="src"> svgpage.svgxml.png?image_id=<xsl:value-of select="@id" /> </xsl:attribute> </img> </xsl:template> <!-- more XSL --> --------------------8<--------------------
svg.xsl --------------------8<-------------------- <!-- more XSL --> <!-- read the cgi-param --> <xsl:param name="image_id" />
<xsl:template match="/"> <!-- poor performance but could be optimized --> <xsl:copy-of select="//[EMAIL PROTECTED]/*" /> </xsl:template>
<!-- more XSL --> --------------------8<--------------------
<Files ~ *.svgxml>
AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT
AxAddProcessor text/xsl /html.xsl
<Files ~ *.svgxml.png>
AxAddPlugin Apache::AxKit::Plugin::QueryStringCache
AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT
AxAddStyleMap application/svg2anyformat Apache::AxKit::Language::Svg2AnyFormat
## extract the svg from the html
AxAddProcessor text/xsl /svg.xsl
## serialize to png
AxAddProcessor application/svg2anyformat NULL
Did I get you?
This is only one approach you can e.g. also use a custom provider.
David J Craigon wrote:
I see that. That only works if your document is entirely SVG though, no?
Tom Schindl wrote:
well there are there already exists a Axkit-Transformer for this:
It uses the Image::LibRSVG-lib which is also owned by me. Svg2AnyFormat also support Image::Magick to transform svg although I think librsvg supports more of the svg-standard than Image::Magick. If you have any problems with the mentionned libs feel free to contact me.
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