I apologize for the _astoundingly_ late reply. We already talked about this in IRC, so I'll just reply for the benefit of mailing list archives.

Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:

I have an XSP that generates a menu, and the idea is to include this menu on every page by calling it within a document() in the transformation to XHTML.

When loading an XSP page's results from a browser, the cookie is dumped onto the user's browser. When loading an XSP page from within an XSLT document() function call, the server itself is the client for that HTTP transaction, so any cookies that have been set in the browser will not be seen by the server.

But since I'm using a completely new http request, I really don't understand why the session information isn't available to the menu.xsp... Any suggestions...?

I ran into this exact same situation myself, and so I've created an extension to AxKit::XSP::BasicSession that allows you to specify a URI query argument to load the session-ID from.

PerlSetVar BasicSessionURIToken SID

Therefore, any sub-requests you load can be supplied with the session ID on the URI in the document() function. Thanks to the patch you made (which I hope to release today) you'll be able to get the session ID from an AddXSLParams varible.


Michael A. Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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