Using a provider would be the most logical way to do this.

I did at one point write an apache handler that takes a URL and treats the path info part as an XPath query and returns all matching fragments in the underlying document (actually it used a dbxml database to store the documents, but files would be easier). Building a provider would be pretty darn easy.

Basically you could subclass the file provider and have get_strref apply $r->path_info as an XPath expression to the document using XML::LibXML. I'd say your looking at maybe 10 lines of code plus some error handling to give you an 'XPath provider'.

Another alternative would be to write a plugin which makes the path_info available to XSLT, then you can build a stylesheet using the document() function that just extracts the data you're interested in and away you go. I think such a module already exists, but I don't have my AxKit stuff at my fingertips here...

If there are just a few certain paths that you need you may be able to do it entirely using a <Location/> section for each one and appropriate configuration. That I'm not 100% sure about, it would require a little experimentation.

Richard Lewis wrote:

I'm new to AxKit and thought I'd try porting one of my existing Cocoon (2.1) web apps to AxKit (see

The sitemap for this web app interprets the URL like this:{section}/{subsection}/{id}

(e.g. displays the XML from:
<section id="events">
<subsection id="past">
<event id="2004-10-11">
and displays the XML from:
<section id="exits">

Is there a way of using Apache/AxKit to match the path as if it were a list of strings separated by '/'s and then pass those to an XSLT stylesheet as parameters? i.e., can I implement a 'virtual directory structure' with Apache/AxKit like I can in Cocoon?

My Cocoon setup has its XML content in one big file stored in DOC_ROOT/content/content.{lang-code}.xml and its images stored in DOC_ROOT/images. It establishes the user agent language and selects the correct 'generator' and allows images to be accessed from anywhere within the 'virtual directory structure'.

Any thoughts would be very welcome.


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