On Monday 27 Sep 2004 23:28, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> I've been holding off posting this for a while for commercial reasons...
> At the company I work for we filter email for spam (and viruses). At
> the end of 2002 I was tasked with developing a system for quarantining
> spam, and providing a web UI for displaying said spam to the user. Now
> this has to scale, as we have nearly 3 million users.


> Needless to say I built it in AxKit, and it has been running for over 6
> months now (and has even been stable for a few of those months!).


> The advantages AxKit has brought have been worthwhile IMHO:
>   - Easy to change the look and feel
>   - Easy to add internationalisation (we now support 4 languages I
> think, with more on the way)
>   - Guaranteed not to be vulnerable to cross site scripting due to use
> of XML
>   - Good performance

This is why I will be moving my (I'm the owner) companies website over to 


I will send an e-mail when it's done so you can maybe add it to your list of 

> Downsides are obvious too:
>   - Hard to find developers who know AxKit

I will be one soon.....

>   - XSP is hard for most developers to "get", and doesn't work as well
> as it should
>   - Memory consumption is a pain
> Anyway, just wanted to share this as a very large scale AxKit
> installation success story. Oh, and the guy who's now working on it
> wants to move onto C# projects, so if you're looking for an AxKit job
> in the west of England we'd probably be interested.
> Matt.
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