On Thursday 18 November 2004 12:16 pm, Garrett Goebel wrote:

> I sat in at a number of mod_perl sessions at ApacheCon this past week.
> According to Geoffrey Young and Phillipe Chaisson mod_perl 2.0 has no
> pending feature additions, and only 6 or 7 outstanding bugs to resolve.
> Geoffrey would only say "Real soon now", but Phillipe gave a "before year
> end" estimate on when mod_perl would be released.
> If you know of bugs or difficiencies now would be the time to share them...
> ;-)

Well, I'd basically have to run CVS mod_perl 1.99_xx I would guess in order to 
give good feedback. Definitely in the latest released developer version the 
state of the thing SEEMS a lot less polished than these guys are saying. A 
goodly number of documented functions don't exist and I ran into a whole 
running battle with Apache::RequestRec and APR::Table hurling segfaults when 
you did things that manipulated the parameters tables and whatnot. It IS 
useable in that generally you can find SOME way to do what you want, its just 
a lot of the documented ways crash, so its more annoyance level with version 
_17 than anything else. 
> > 2) The most rough part is config, which is one thing AxKit always
> > did really nicely, so it looks like to build in configuration
> > capabilities equivalent to AxKit 1.6 has on 2.x Apache is still
> > not possible as of 1.99_17, at least not in perl.
> Perhaps I'm missing something, but building configuration directives for
> Perl modules in mod_perl 2.0 looked really really easy.  Check out Geoffrey
> Young's "mod_perl 2.0 at warp speed" slides 13+ at:
>   http://www.modperlcookbook.org/~geoff/slides/ApacheCon/2004/mp2-warp.pdf

Yes, it IS very easy, its just riddled with unimplemented functions! I still 
haven't found a version which lets you push a new directive dynamically into 
the configuration, its just not there! Again, a lot of it works, a bunch of 
it doesn't... Maybe in CVS the situation is different. 
> Or the Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl docs at:
>   http://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/config/custom.html
> Or for a short example:
>   package My::Directive;
>   use Apache::Module ();
>   use Apache::Const -compile => qw(FLAG RSRC_CONF);
>   use Apache::RequestRec ();
>   use Apache::ServerRec ();
>   my @directives = ({ name         => 'Widget',
>                       req_override => Apache::RSRC_CONF,
>                       args_how     => Apache::FLAG       });
>   Apache::Module::add(__PACKAGE__, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
>   sub Widget {
>     my ($cfg, $parms, $arg) = @_;
>     $cfg->{widget} = $arg;
>   }
>   sub handler {
>     my $r = shift;
>     my $cfg = Apache::Module::get_config(__PACKAGE__,
>                                          $r->server,
>                                          $r->per_dir_config);
>     my $widget = $cfg->{widget};
>     ...
>   }

As I said, I know HOW its SUPPOSED to work. The basic framework of 
configuration does work (well with again a bug or two but nothing too 
tragic). Just some features that I would need aren't there yet. Its not a 
show stopper, just requires some ugly hacks in httpd.conf for now.

> > Currently It uses the streaming filter interface, but I THINK if
> > I understand bucket brigades correctly you SHOULD be able to chain
> > several of these together and brigade the DOM from one to the next
> > without serializing. Or if that isn't possible then I guess there's
> > always 'pnotes' :). That would increase efficiency greatly in
> > real-world scenarios.
> The documentation I've seen on bucket brigades is all in the context of
> input and output filters operating on a individual chunks (buckets) in the
> stream of data (brigades).

My reading of the docs on brigades indicates that a bucket can contain 
references to data structures. I'm just not really sure about how you can 
effectively use that. For example putting a ref to a LibXML DOM in a bucket 
might let you pass it on down to a downstream perl based Filter, but you 
can't ever know if there IS such a filter, or at least you'd have to do some 
poking around to find out. Its an 'area for further research' :). 

Overall Its certainly possible to build a tool on mod_perl 2. Its maybe going 
to have some workarounds for a while, but thats OK. I'll be happy to post the 
code I have, its pretty crude, but it works!

> --
> Garrett Goebel
> IS Development Specialist
> ScriptPro                   Direct: 913.403.5261
> 5828 Reeds Road               Main: 913.384.1008
> Mission, KS 66202              Fax: 913.384.2180
> www.scriptpro.com          garrett at scriptpro dot com

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