On Dec 5, 2004, at 4:11 AM, Tom Schindl wrote:

Can you show us the relevant parts of your httpd.conf where you configure AxKit.

Look for the two RPDO::Testo::mangle, those are the two locations I tried,
I also tried in the .htaccess in the root directory. the mangle function
is simply this:

package RPDO::Testo;

BEGIN { print STDERR __PACKAGE__ . " starting.\n"; }

sub mangle
  print STDERR __PACKAGE__ . "::mangle()";
  return shift;


And here's the config for my apache server:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>

  PerlScript __LOCAL_VAR__/mod_perl_apache-startup.pl

  <Location /admin/perl-status>
    SetHandler  perl-script
    PerlHandler Apache::Status

  # AxKit Directives

  # This must appear at the root of your .httpd.conf
  PerlModule AxKit
  PerlModule Apache::ExtSwaper
  PerlModule Apache::RedirectToImageDir
  PerlModule Apache::AxKit::Provider::RPDOText
  PerlModule Apache::AxKit::Provider::RPDOImageDir
  PerlModule RPDOText::SAX::Machine::Factory;
  PerlModule RPDOText::SAX::Filter::ArticleInfo
  PerlModule RPDOText::SAX::Filter::ImageInfo
  PerlModule RPDOText::SAX::ImageDir
  PerlModule RPDOText::SAX
  # for Language::SAXMachines ????
  PerlModule XML::LibXML::SAX

  PerlModule RPDO::Testo
  AxAddOutputTransformer RPDO::Testo::mangle

  # May appear inside a VirtualHost or other block
  AddHandler axkit .xml .xsp .dkb

  AxCacheDir "__LOCAL_VAR__/AxCache"

# Add XPath support
# AxAddStyleMap application/x-xpathscript Apache::AxKit::Language::XPathScript

  # Add XSP  support
  # AxAddStyleMap application/x-xsp Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP

# Add SAXMachines support
AxAddStyleMap application/x-saxmachines +Apache::AxKit::Language::SAXMachines

  # Add XSLT support
  AxAddStyleMap text/xsl +Apache::AxKit::Language::LibXSLT

#AxAddXSPTaglib +AxKit::XSP::Util #AxAddXSPTaglib +AxKit::XSP::Wiki #AxAddXSPTaglib +AxKit::XSP::Param

  <FilesMatch "\.([gG][iI][fF]|[jJ][pP][eE]?[gG]|[pP][nN][gG])$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler +Apache::Thumbnailer
    PerlSetVar MyThumbnailCache "__LOCAL_VAR__/thumbs"

  <FilesMatch "imagedir.redirect">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlTypeHandler +Apache::RedirectToImageDir
    #PerlHandler +Apache::Foo

  # use ImageDir Provider for all files in an image dir,
  <LocationMatch ".*images/[^/]+/">
    AxContentProvider Apache::AxKit::Provider::RPDOImageDir

  # use AxKit (and imageDir provider above.) to handle directory index.
  # in an image dir.
  <LocationMatch ".*images/[^/]+/$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler AxKit

  <FilesMatch  "\.(rptxt|html?)$">
    SetHandler perl-script
    # swap .html for .rptxt if there's no .rptxt version.
    PerlTypeHandler +Apache::ExtSwaper
    PerlHandler AxKit
    AxContentProvider Apache::AxKit::Provider::RPDOText
    PerlSetVar AxSAXMachineClass RPDOText::SAX::Machine::Factory

    # AxAddOutputTransformer RPDO::Testo::mangle


  AxErrorStylesheet text/xsl /error.xsl

  # Debugs


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