On Feb 2, 2005, at 7:33 PM, Matt Sergeant wrote:

So even if you could pass the output to XSP again, the internals of axkit would try and run the first XSP every time, causing you really bad slowdown.

There may also be a problem with the namespace XSP gets compiled into - I think I bound it to just the filename (assuming that there would be just one XSP run per file) rather than to the filename and the position in the pipeline...

I've been looking at how AxKit::XSP::Wiki works. Is it not the case that there are two different XSP passes here?

The way I see it, "view" and "edit" are XSP pages (the first XSP pass) that output <xspwiki /> content. AxAddRootProcessor application/x-xsp NULL xspwiki means that this output is again run through XSP, so that <wiki:display-page /> is handled by the taglib (the second XSP pass).

Does AxKit::XSP::Wiki work like this? Does it suffer from your above description?


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