After a fair amount of test writing (take a look in t/ for giggles) and taglib learning, I'm happy to announce the release of Handel 0.02.

Born out of an IIS/ASP->Apache/ModPerl/AxKit site conversion, Handel is a simple shopping cart system with native AxKit Taglib support; although AxKit isn't required to use Handel within other systems. It also has rough L10N support (en/fr) for it's error messages, and hopefully for the forms/pages/labels/examples in the future.

It provides the usual cart actions like creating carts, adding cart items and deleting and updating cart items. It also supports some basic 'wishlist' functionality by saving carts/cart items for future use with the ability of restoring a wishlist into the users active cart using replace/merge/append options.

Handel makes use of Class::DBI for it's database abstraction. As such, it should work with just about anything from SQLLite to MySQL/Progres.

Some upcoming plans for improvement include
    - enhanced config scheme supporting httpd.conf directives/test files
    - develop generic Handel::Order framework
    - get sample site in the source and on the net

Handel should be available on CPAN within the next 24 hours.

-- The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/C/CL/CLACO/Handel-0.02.tar.gz
  size: 49432 bytes
   md5: f77a61e3a1aa23830b6e7b118136dbc3

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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