On Mar 6, 2005, at 7:54 AM, Josef Chladek wrote:
Am 13.02.2005 um 19:51 schrieb Michael Nachbaur:
On Feb 13, 2005, at 5:14 AM, Josef Chladek wrote:
what's wrong here?

I've run into this in the past. As far as I can remember something isn't USE'ing AxKit. I started to track it down on my end here, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it anymore. :-( I'll do some more digging later and get back to you.

thanks for that michael, i had no time to check this earlier - it's simple: in
the first to lines have to be switched, if it reads:

PerlModule AxKit
PerlModule Apache::AxKit::Provider::SAWA

Ah, odd. Thanks, I'll let the maintainer (Kip) know about this and get it updated in CVS.

it works, the other way round it throws the error above. by the way: who is the maintainer, christian glahn or kip hampton?

Kip Hampton. He's doing some seriously wicked voodoo with SAWA at the moment that makes my head spin...I just content myself with the simple work I'm using it for.

and: are there more examples of the MVC design pattern using SAWA or any projects, that have sawa in use with axkit?

A newer site, but one that isn't finished yet, is at http://mp3dev.nachbaur.com/BT for example. I haven't gotten the artist listing working yet, so you have to start with an artist name. The source to this is at http://cvs.nachbaur.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Salsa/

it's really impressive, thanks for the cvs hint. could i ask for a simple example of how to realize the REST notation? is this done via httpd.conf (which would be ugly, i think) or does the magic happen somewhere else?

The REST code is lurking in AxKit::App::Salsa::SAWA::Event::REST::Common, and the other REST event classes that inherit from Common. I then just tie the entire set of modules into one root (at /rest/) using a <Location> directive.

However, since we're all just breaking new ground with SAWA, feel free to experiment. TIMTOWTDI really applies here. I must throw out a word of caution though: Don't take my Salsa project to be an indication of a right or wrong way of doing work with SAWA. This is actually an experiment on my part, and may not actually work well...I don't know yet.

Michael Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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