Christopher H. Laco wrote:
use utf8;
sub symbol {
    my ($code, $options) = @_;

    $code    ||= 'USD';
    $options ||= 'SYM_HTML';

    eval '$options = ' . $options;

    my $symbol = currency_symbol($code, $options);

    return $symbol;

God I hate utf8, perl 5.6. and perl 5.8.

In 5.6.1, this works, yielding the proper symbol...

sub symbol {
    my ($code, $options) = @_;

    $code    ||= 'USD';
    $options ||= 'SYM_UFT';

    eval '$options = ' . $options;

    my $symbol = currency_symbol($code, $options);

    return $symbol;

In 5.8.4, that code above yields ? instead of the symbol...
This code in 5.8.4 yields the propery currency symbol:

sub symbol {
    my ($code, $options) = @_;

    $code    ||= 'USD';
    $options ||= 'SYM_UFT';

    eval '$options = ' . $options;

    my $symbol = currency_symbol($code, $options);

    return $symbol;

How in the heck does AxKit ever work with perls' UTF so damn screwy... How frustrating.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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