
Just to tell you I posted this suggestion on Ubuntu Brainstorm:


2011/12/7 Ronan Lucio <ronanlu...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> A don't know if it's the right place to put my suggestion.
> If not, please, just point me to the right place.
> The Super-W behavior was thought to work with key and clicks, what is not
> productive.
> For exemple:
> 1) When a user hits Super-W, his/her hands are on the keyboard
> 2) After that, the user needs to move his/her hand to the mouse to click
> on the right thumb.
> I think that need to (often) move your hand between keyboard and mouse are
> not productive.
> 2) After hitting Super-W, the user should select the right
> thumb/application using the key arrows from the keyboard.
> This behavior would be more productive because, in this momentt, the user
> already have his/her hands on the keyboard.
> I know it's already possible.
> The real problem is the visibility of the hover thumb. It's too difficult
> to know what thumb is on focus.
> So I'm forced to choose to mouse selection.
> My suggestion is the thumb on focus would be more visible.
> I think showing a colored (orange?) frame around the thumb on focus would
> be a good behavior.
>   Ronan
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