I found this time line on a website. I thought it was an interesting
read since it included some things I didn't know (such as the Papal
Bull giving the Portuguese a virtual monopoly on african slaves)

website: http://www.brycchancarey.com/slavery/chrono2.htm


    * 1441: Start of European slave trading in Africa. The Portuguese
captains Antão Gonçalves and Nuno Tristão capture 12 Africans in Cabo
Branco (modern Mauritania) and take them to Portugal as slaves.


    * 1444: Lançarote de Freitas, a tax-collector from the Portuguese
town of Lagos, forms a company to trade with Africa.
    * 8 August 1444: de Freitas lands 235 kidnapped and enslaved
Africans in Lagos, the first large group of African slaves brought to



    * 1452: Start of the 'sugar-slave complex'. Sugar is first planted
in the Portuguese island of Madeira and, for the first time, African
slaves are put to work on the sugar plantations.
    * 18 June 1452: Pope Nicholas V issues Dum Diversas, a bull
authorising the Portuguese to reduce any non-Christians to the status
of slaves.


    * 8 January 1454: Pope Nicholas V issues Romanus Pontifex, a bull
granting the Portuguese a perpetual monopoly in trade with Africa.
Nevertheless, Spanish traders begin to bring slaves from Africa to


    * 1461: The first of the Portuguese trading forts, the castle at
Arguin (modern Mauritania), is completed.


    * 1462: The Portuguese colony on the Cape Verde Islands is
founded, an important way-station in the slave trade.
    * 1462: Portuguese slave traders start to operate in Seville


    * 1470s: Despite Papal opposition, Spanish merchants begin to
trade in large numbers of slaves in the 1470s.



    * 1476: Carlos de Valera of Castille in Spain brings back 400
slaves from Africa.


    * 1481: A Portuguese embassy to the court of King Edward IV of
England concludes with the English government agreeing not to enter
the slave trade, against the wishes of many English traders.
    * 1481-86: Diogo da Azambuja builds the castle at Elmina (modern
Ghana) which was to become the most substantial and the most notorious
of the slave-trading forts in West Africa.


    * 1483: Diogo Cão discovers the Congo river. The region is later a
major source of slaves.


    * 1485: Diogo Cão makes contact with the nation of Kongo and
visits its capital, Mbanza Kongo. He establishes relations between
Portugal and Kongo.


    * 1486: João Afonso Aveiro makes contact with the kingdom and the
city of Benin.
    * 1486: Portuguese settle the West African island of São Tomé.
This uninhabited West African island is planted with sugar and
populated by African slaves by the Portuguese. The settlement thus
extended and developed the sugar-slave complex that had been initiated
in Madeira.


    * 1487-88: Bartolomeo Dias rounds the Cape of Good Hope and
explores the Indian Ocean and the East African coast.


    * 2 January 1492: The Moorish town of Granada surrenders to the
Spanish forces of the Catholic Kings, Ferdinand and Isabella, marking
the end of La Reconquista, the war between Moors and Spaniards in the
Iberian peninsular. Both sides retain many slaves taken during the
course of the war.
    * 12 October 1492: Christopher Columbus becomes the first European
since the Viking era to discover the New World, setting foot on an
unidentified island he named San Salvador (modern Bahamas).

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