In a message dated 11/11/2009 3:37:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: 
> Please forgive me for hijacking this thread… I’ve just “returned to the 
> living” after getting out of bed for the first time since last Friday with 
> the dreaded H1N1.  This message was the first thing that I saw when opening 
> up email.  It’s also the first time I’ve seen mention of Genealogias das 
> Quatro Ilhas being used for research since it became available at the end 
> of the summer.  
>  I’ve not been fortunate enough to be in a position to purchase the set.  
> Is there any similar info (to what is below for the Madruga family) for the 
> Fraga family?  My Fraga’s are from Corvo, and I’ve seen many that are 
> from Flores as well.  I’ve long suspected a common link somewhere way down 
> the 
> line, and that Fraga’s on both islands share a common ancestor way back.  
> I was curious if anyone had the volumes and could take a peek.  It would be 
> greatly appreciated!
>  Jay Fraga
>  Massachusetts
There are 4 separate Fraga lines in Genealogias das Quatro Ilhas: Faial, 
Pico, Flores, Corvo, Jorge Forjaz and António Ornelas Mendes, 
Dislivro-Histórica, Lisbon: 2009. :

António de Fraga, married to Isabel Rodrigues, was a native of Braga. He 
went to Flores between 1508-1510 in the colonization organized by Pedro da 
Fonseca. In the same company went his brother Pedro de Fraga, married to 
Margarida Rodrigues and her brothers Miguel and  Álvaro Rodrigues.

Francisco de Fraga lived in Flores and was married to Lucrécia Privado.

José de Fraga and his wife Isabel de Freitas lived in Fajã Grande, Flores, 
circa 1750.

Isabel de Fraga was born about 1690 and died in Matriz-Horta on 6 Sep 1762; 
She married  Manuel Luís who was born in Flamengos and died in Matriz on 9 
Oct 1757.

John Miranda Raposo

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