Thanks Cheri,
I am going to look into it and put my order in.. Mahalo Kathy

On Dec 7, 5:38 pm, Cheri Mello <> wrote:
> From Family Tree DNA:
> Our Holiday Season promotion will bring back the discount that we offered
> this summer for the Y-DNA37 as well as a sale on the following DNA tests:  *
> *Y-DNA37 – promotional price $119 *(reg. price $149)
> (NOTE: Male test: Will follow the line of the man's father's father's
> father).
>  *
> *Y-DNA67 – promotional price $209 *(reg. price $239)
> (NOTE: Male test: Will follow the line of the man's father's father's
> father).
>  *
> *mtDNAPlus – promotional price $139* (reg. price $149)
> (NOTE: Male or female test: Will follow the line of the testee's mother's
> mother's mother).
>  *
> *SuperDNA – promotional price $488* (reg. price $665)
> (NOTE: Male test: Will follow the line of the man's father's father's father
> for 67 markers AND
> will follow the mtDNA line (all 16,000+ bases of the man's mother's mother's
> mother).
> Orders for the above tests need to be placed and paid for by December 31,
> 2009 11:59PM CST to receive the sale price.
> *IMPORTANT: We will not extend this sale beyond 12/31/2009.
> *
> In addition here are the newly released *permanent prices* for the Full
> Mitochondria Sequence* (Note: All 16,000+ base pairs)
> *
>  *
> *New kit (mtDNA Full Sequence) … $279
> * *
> *Upgrade from HVR1 … $229* *
> *Upgrade from HVR2 … $209* *
> *mtDNA Full Sequence after testing Y-DNA … $249*
> Azores lines order here to take advantage of these 
> prices:
> Other lines: Type the surname in the search
> box.  (or Madeira, Cape Verde, Brasil, etc).  If you can't find a group to
> order your DNA kit from, email me directly and I'll find something for you
> to get you the sale price.
> --
> Cheri Mello & Rick Pimentel
> Family Tree DNA Admins

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