Frequently, I get questions from list members about films and Family History
Centers.  Since any genealogy list will always have people new to genealogy,
I will answer the questions here.

1) How do I find a Family History Center (FHC)?
FHCs are affiliated with the Church for Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
(LDS or Moroms).  Not all LDS churches have FHCs.  Their website, has a searchable database to locate one near you. The
direct URL is here:
However, if you are anywhere near North Dartmouth, MA, their FHC has all the
film for all 9 islands, and it has George Pacheco there too, who can give
you some pointers on how to use the film and get started.  It's best to
email George first to find out what hours he's on duty, as the FHC is run by
volunteers and if a volunteer is absent, there is no substitute. George:

2) Do I have to be LDS/Mormon to use their facilities?
No, they are free and open to the public.  There is a cost for ordering and
copying the film however.

3) How do I order the film/microfilm?
Go to your local FHC and one of the volunteers there will help you fill out
the form.  You pay the ordering fee and wait for the film to come in.

4) Can I order the film/microfilm though my public library or local
Some libraries are called FamilySearch Library Affiliates.  These are mainly
public libraries and genealogy libraries.  To see a list, go here:
(I think New Bedford is an affiliate, although I don't see them on the

5) I have the film and it's written in Portuguese.  How come it's not in
Because the vital records of Portugal are written in the official language
of Portugal, which is Portuguese.

6) I don't want to go to a library or a FHC.  I want to find my family
online.  Where do I find them?
Although some records are online, it is no where near complete and will take
many more years to finish.  Some records can be found at the CCA site
(Center for Knowledge of the Azores) and some at the NEPS site (something
Population Studies).
CCA: (use Internet Explorer (IE),
Chrome, or Safari to access).
NEPS (aka University of Minho site):

Hope this helps those who are new to the genealogy adventure!
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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