Hi All,


Yesterday I found the arrival of some of my family in the US at Ellis
Island. I had to use a roundabout way to find them on the Ellis Island
web site due to the fact many of the names are spelled incorrectly or
not the names we are familiar with.


I was searching to try and find out when my great uncle Manuel J.
Carvalho arrived in the US. The Petition for Naturalization for his
brother John said he (John) came to the US in 1896 on the Dona Maria.
My grandmother Josephine was born in Fall River on 8 Dec 1898. Another
sister Connie was said to have been born in the Acores in 1896.  So my
guess was they traveled to the US sometime between 1896 and Mar 1898. 


I went to the CCA website and began searching Book 1896-1900 page by
page. I got lucky on page 23 I found the entry I was looking for.




The entry shows my great grandmother traveling with 4 of her children
along with her brother in law and his wife. I had never known of this
brother in law before seeing this. The date of the entry was 11 May


I went to the Ellis Island web site and searched ship arrivals for the
Dona Maria arriving after 11 May 1897 and used the printed index. My
great grandmother's name was not on the list but her brother in law was
listed as Jose Joaquim Carvatho. So that is why I was not getting a hit
on searches for Carvalho for the time I was searching.


This printed list is the same one that is used when you do a search.


In glancing down the list I saw an unusual name "Lousa" then I realized
that who ever transcribed the names mistook the letter S for the letter
L so all you who are searching for names beginning with S try
substituting the letter L.


To some things up my great grandmother arrived in this country on 26 May
1897 on the Dona Maria with four of her children along with her brother
in law and his wife. 




Richard Francis Pimentel

Epping, New Hampshire, USA

Researching Bretanha, Ribeirinha, Ribeira Grande, Achade Grande, and
Ponta Delgada,  Sao Miguel, Acores


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