
usually, unless you are looking for an special copy of the original record, this information can be found at the Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records, here is the info:

150 Mount Vernon St., 1st Fl.
Dorchester, MA 02125-3105
Main Telephone: (617) 740-2600

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that once or twice when there I have seen the staff doing look-ups from requests. I don't know if it's possible to call or write to them to ask for a look-up (it may depend on how much information you're able to give) but it may be worth a try.

I would reccomend looking these people up in the social security death index if you think that's a possibility. I forget the cut off date, but if you're looking for someone who passed away between 1915 and 1973 (? Whenever the SSDI begins) your only option is probably going to be the Registry of Vital Records.

Good luck! I'm sure you can find someone online who frequents that archive and could be able to help you. Unfortunately I am unable to go as often as I would like as they charge you nine dollars an hour to search, and you are very much at the mercy of the staff as far as utilizing your time goes. They take calls for tickets at different times, and sometimes it's easy to not be ready and end up wasting the time.

On 9/13/2010 11:29 AM, carmen furtado wrote:
is there anyone on this list who lives in new bedford who can look up the death records at city hall
i am looking for a death record for:
Luiz Lourenço Bonito Vieira (son of Lourenço Antonio Bonito Vieira and Anna Linhares)
and his wife:
Jacintha de Jesús Costa Carreiro (daughter of Antonio de Costa Carreiro and Ursula de Jesús)
I can only find them on the 1910 census
thank you


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