Wow,... thanks  you Kathy for the in-depth assessment.
I am sure many will benefit from it.
> From:
> Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Family Tree Maker for Mac --- my first impressions
> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 10:13:25 -0800
> To:
> I have used many genealogy programs over the years, both for Macs and for PCs 
> and own several for both platforms. Reunion (Mac) has generally been my 
> program of choice, though, as it is generally a very fine program, thorough, 
> and easy to work with. I am always intrigued by trying out new programs, 
> looking for that "perfect" one. To that end, I recently purchased FTM for the 
> Mac and have been working with it this last week. This is not a complete 
> review, but is only my first impressions of the program, both pro and con. I 
> hope it will be helpful to you if you are considering purchasing it.
> First of all, there are two versions of this program ..... One, for $69 is 
> sold directly from Ancestry 
> The other version 
> sells for $99 but includes a Toolkit of 6 PDF books that may or may not be 
> helpful to you. It also includes a 6 month membership to the U.S. collection 
> on Ancestry. Before I purchased mine, I called Ancestry to find out if I 
> could apply that additional 6 months to my current Ancestry subscription and 
> was told Yes. I purchased my copy at Office Max, but it is also sold at Best 
> Buy, Office Depot, Amazon, and Apple stores. After I purchased and registered 
> it, I called Ancestry and they added 6 months to my subscription. That, 
> alone, is worth the additional $30, in my opinion!
> I first prepared a gedcom in Reunion of my 9,000+ individuals and imported it 
> into FTM. That process went very smoothly and quick. As most everyone knows 
> (or should know) gedcom is NOT a perfect process, nor do you get perfect 
> results. This was no exception. (Also, because I store my genealogy files in 
> Dropbox and share them with both my computers, I changed the default place 
> FTM wanted to put my file, to my Dropbox.)
> The program feels pretty Mac-like, in general. One thing I noticed right off, 
> though, was that, after the import, I clicked the button to View the Log..... 
> and it opened up Parallels on my Mac to go into the Windows XP System that I 
> run on my Mac! Oops....Not very Mac friendly there and bad first impression. 
> :)
> Gedcom import: Generally, most things were handled very well in the import. 
> Notable exceptions were that many of my Misc. Event tags in Reunion (gedcom 
> tag was EVEN) did not survive the import. Those included events such as 
> Illness, Accident, Surgery, Register to Vote, and Fraternal Society 
> Joined........ events that I added myself into Reunion and had given the EVEN 
> gedcom tag. When I realized this, I had to mark those individuals in Reunion 
> and add those Facts (as FTM calls them) into FTM one by one. I am still in 
> the process of doing this but am getting close to being finished with it.
> Notes: I use quite a few Notes in Reunion and have added my own with the 
> gedcom tag of NOTE; Census (where I record the entire household for each 
> census), Probate, and Military as well as the default one for each individual 
> of Misc. Notes. It seems that only one Note was imported for each person so 
> if they had a Military note, for example, you will have to manually add that 
> into FTM as part of your Military Fact for that person.
> Facts: FTM calls everything a Fact. There is a very large Note field attached 
> to each Fact. I do not know if there is a character limit to this field as 
> there is in Reunion (which is rather small). It is a very large field for 
> adding data so there is plenty of room to add in your Note data from Reunion. 
> When you publish a report such as an Individual Person Report, these Fact 
> Notes don't appear immediately below the Fact data (date and place) but 
> instead are gathered at the end of the report. I didn't like that at first, 
> preferring to have ALL the pertinent data including the Memo/Note, all 
> together with the event data. But, after working with this for a while, I see 
> the merits of having that Note data appear at the end of the report (before 
> Sources, if you choose to include them). You have an uncluttered view of all 
> the Facts (Events) in a person's life, shown as a concise list at the 
> beginning of the report. It makes it easy to view those events but if you 
> want more info on each one, you can refer to the end of the report where that 
> data appears. 
> Sources: FTM has a set of templates included for adding specific source 
> types. I haven't done a lot of these so far so I can't really give you much 
> feedback on it as of yet. At first glance, though, it seems to be somewhat 
> limited for templates. The Source View, though, is very complete. You can 
> click on one of your sources on the left side and immediately see all the 
> source citation detail as well as the links (the people or event it is being 
> used on) and the media attached to it. Very nice! You can also rate your 
> sources with a built-in criteria that asks you quick questions about the 
> source to assign it a gold star rating OR you can choose your own blue star 
> rating based on criteria of your own choosing and there is a place to add 
> your Justification notes for your reasons.
> Media: I chose to import my Media links from Reunion into FTM. What that 
> means is that the links all appear in FTM, but not the images (photos, 
> documents, audio, video, etc.). This forces you to click on each Media link 
> in the Media view. When you double click to open it, you are presented with 
> the choice of YOU searching for the media file or letting FTM search for it. 
> FTM does it much faster than I could locate the file, even knowing exactly 
> where it is. FTM takes only 3 or 4 seconds to find the file so the process 
> goes fairly quickly. Then, you can assign a category to the item (built in 
> are Photo, Census, Document and a few others.... you can add your own, if you 
> wish), add a date and description, add a note, and (most importantly) assign 
> a link to the media file of a person or the actual event, or both. Depending 
> on how many media items you have, this can be a long and tedious process. I 
> am still working on mine .... but I'm almost finished with it. There is no 
> provision that I can see, to link more than one individual at a time to a 
> media file (for instance, linking both the bride and groom to a marriage 
> record.) You can link both, but you have to do it separately. That process 
> could be much improved upon in future upgrades!
> Places: I love this feature! You have a list of all your places and when you 
> select one, you are very quickly awarded with a map of that area ...... even 
> our Azores! You also get a list of all the people who are "attached" to that 
> place with a little arrow that when clicked, shows you what event(s) of 
> theirs occurred there. Very nice! Also, you can choose to view people in the 
> Places view. When you click on a person, you see a list of their events on 
> the right. You can check off the events you want to add to your map. Then, 
> you get a migration map for that individual. It shows their path with 
> whatever events you choose to add. You can export this in several ways as a 
> PDF to show their path but it does not indicate each individual place along 
> the way by a push pin or label. Nice, but could be improved upon.
> Publish: The reports and charts in FTM seem to be very good as they are well 
> known for. I was disappointed not to find an Individual Narrative Report. 
> But, there are ways to work around that .... one is to create a different 
> type of report for one generation, such as an Ahnentafel Report. That gives 
> you the details of a person's life in narrative form that you can edit later. 
> One thing I looked for and did not find, was a way to save a reports options 
> for future use. Charts and Reports, though, look very interesting and I look 
> forward to playing around them more in the future.
> Web Search: I haven't used this a great deal yet, instead choosing to focus 
> my time and attention to cleaning up my data from the import, creating my 
> media links, etc. First things first! It does look very interesting, though, 
> and I look forward to trying it out.
> My Wishes: There seems to be no way to Mark or Flag people like you can do in 
> Reunion ... wish that was an option. (However, if you want to export a gedcom 
> from FTM and choose Selected Individuals, you are presented with a selection 
> window to select a person and all their ancestors, descendants, or other 
> options ..... not as much control over the process as I would like.) I have 
> not found where you can view the actual gedcom tags for the Facts or be able 
> to edit those or the sentence structure that appears in certain reports so 
> that you have more control over those....wish that was an option. I have not 
> found anywhere that you can use the normal Mac behavior of command+click or 
> shift+click to select more than one item... that could be added and would be 
> most welcome. These items are not a "deal breaker" for me; they may be for 
> you. But, they are things I would certainly like to see added or improved 
> upon in the future.
> In summary, I am really getting to like this program! It has a lot to offer 
> and I can only hope that they continue to develop it and add new features as 
> they go along with its development. I am still getting used to the interface, 
> but I find that I like it. It is clean, attractive, informative with lots of 
> options everywhere you look in the form of tabs, buttons, and popups. And, it 
> is very easy to navigate through your family file. On the Family tab of the 
> Person view, you can view the Index, Bookmarks, and History. The program 
> feels very quick and responsive. There are a few areas that could be improved 
> upon, to be sure...... giving the user more control is a big one....., and I 
> look forward to hopefully seeing those improvements in the future. Meanwhile, 
> I'm going to spend more and more time exploring the program and plan to use 
> it side by side with Reunion for the time being. As I discover more about it, 
> who knows? I may decide to make it my main program...... or not. Time will 
> tell but I do so enjoy the journey! :)
> Kathy
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Visit the Azores GenWeb Project:
> Climb my Family Tree:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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