I have her baptism record which shows her birth date as 25 July 1872 in the 
 church of Saint Peter in Santa Cruz.
Al Sequeira
In a message dated 11/30/2010 5:24:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I've seen many records where a priest was listed as a padrinho. Since  both 
Manuel Lourenco Matias and Mariana de Jesus were born with pai  incognito 
there may have been a lack of male relatives. 
Since a  purpose of a padrinho is to direct spiritual growth, having  a 
priest would ensure that. 
I've seen some trees at Ancestry for this family with Anna being born in  
1873, but can't find her baptism record in any local parish from 1872 to 
1880.  I've checked Ponta Delgada, Cedros, Santa Cruz, and Caveira. 
Eric Edgar

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 9:00 AM, <_bigal...@aol.com_ 
( > wrote:

Hi Eric
I can't establish a connection to Jose Maria da Silveira so I was  
wondering if in those days people would have a friend as godfather and  or 


Al Sequeira
In a message dated 11/28/2010 5:18:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_noblankt...@gmail.com_ (  writes:

I agree with Nancy that there were no Cardinals native to Flores. I  
beleive that the rich uncle  was in fact the godfather, Jose Maria de  
Here is the entry for him from the Flores History
Jose Maria  da Silveira- Nasceu em Santa Cruz,  por volta de 1831, e era 
de José Jacinto da Silveira e  de Catarina Jacinta de Mesquita, que haviam  
6 de Junho de 1830,  sendo neto paterno de Manuel Luís de Fraga e de Ana  
de Mesquita e neto materno de Manuel Pimentel Nóia e de Mariana de  Jesus.  
Foi cura na Matriz de Santa Cruz pelo  menos 1857 a 1860,  tendo sido nesse 
ano colcado   
como vigário em Ponta  Delgada,  onde se mantuve até Agosto de 1901,  
também ali, durante mais de quatro  décadas, o cargo de ouvidor 
eclesiástico do concelho   
de  Santa  Cruz..  Era pregador régio (1879), cónego  honorário (1888) e  
desembargador honorário da Cúria Patriarcal.  
Faleceu em Santa Cruz a 19 Dezembro de  1906, tendo deixado em testamento 
50$000 reis á  igreja de S.Pedro de Ponta Delgada. 
An explanation of his titles show he would be regarded as important  as a 
Cardinal to the island. He was the :
Ouvidor  Eclesiastico- ecclesiastical judge of the  Concelho de Santa Cruz. 
Conego  Honorario- Honorary Canon- The  title of Canon is still given in 
many dioceses to senior parish priests as  a largely honorary title. It is 
usually awarded in recognition of long and  dedicated service to the diocese. 
Honorary canons are members of the  chapter in name but are non-residential 
and receive no emoluments. They  are entitled to call themselves canon and 
have a role in the  administration of the cathedral. His obituary shows he was 
an honorary  Canon of the See of Angra.  This was the head of the church 
for the  western group of the Azores 

Desembargador honorario da Curia  Patriacal- Honorary Judge of the 
Patriarchal  Curia- Patriarchates have an assembly called the Patriarchal  
which assists the major archbishop in administering the sui juris  church. The 
patriarchal curia is distinct from the diocesan or eparchal  curia of the 
patriarch or major archbishop's diocese or  eparchy. 
The patriarchal curia consists of the permanent synod of  the Church, the 
chancellor, assistant chancellor, and notaries, the  patriarchal finance 
officer, the patriarchal liturgical commission and  other patriarchal 
commissions, and the patriarchal tribunal Up to three  bishops may be elected 
specifically to serve in the patriarchal  curia. 
The last part shows he left in his will, $50,000 to the church of Sao  
Pedro at Ponta Delgada. For 1906 it shows a man of substantial means.  

I've attached his obito from the CCA website

Eric Edgar

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 8:12 PM, <_bigal...@aol.com_ 
( > wrote:

Hi Eric
My father was Manuel J. Sequeira born 1891 New Bedford MA. When he  was the 
age for schooling he was sent to Flores for private tutoring. My  cousin 
say he stayed at my grandmother's uncles place. She says that  this uncle was 
a Cardinal who had his own crest and lived in a  mansion. My grandmother was 
Anna Lourenco born 1872 in Santa Crus  Flores. The church that they used 
was Sao Pedro in Ponta DelGarda  Flores.  Her godfather was Reverend Vicar 
Jose Maria Da  Silveira Ecclesiastic Listener of this Council And Godmother was 
Dona  Maria Margaride De Crotona Borges.
Al Sequeira

In a message dated 11/24/2010 10:12:41 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
_noblankt...@gmail.com_ (  writes:
The postion of Cardinal  is not an integral part of the  theological 
structure of the Catholic Church, but largely an honorific  distinction. Since 
1200s they have been appointed from  outside
Rome, but assigned  to a church in Rome. I'd guess that the  uncle had 
retired from that position back to his home. 
I have a copy of the ANP Gomes book , A Ilha das  Flores: da redescoberta a 
actualidade . It lists the priests  who served in each parish in Flores,as 
well as those assigned to  other
 functions. With your fathers name and town of residence at  the time, 
maybe we can track him down. 
Possibly his passport returniung to the US would list the Uncles  name.
Eric Edgar

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 1:12 AM, <_bigal...@aol.com_ 
( > wrote:

Hi Cheri
I do not have the uncle's name. He supposedly lived in a big  house with a 
stone fence and pillars that you went through to get to  the house. He also 
had some kind of crest associated with him.
Al Sequeira


In a message dated 11/23/2010 11:53:40 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
_gfsche...@gmail.com_ (  writes:


"A History of the Azores Islands" names the only  two: Jose da Costa Nunes 
and Humberto de Sousa Medeiros (pp.  454-455).  Neither Cardinal was born on 
Flores or retired  there.  I checked the Bishops section and didn't find 
any in  that time period either.  Could this uncle have been a priest  and the 
story was changed?  Do you have the uncle's  name?

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching:  Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
Tainhas,  Achada
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