My final reminder for the DNA orders, for those interested.


I have 3 Y-DNA tests, 1 mtDNA test, 4 Family Finder tests, and 2 other tests
(anthropological stuff - deep clades and the tree of mankind testing) that
are on order.

Original message below (I hope).

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 4:24 PM, Cheri Mello <> wrote:

> Just a reminder that Family Tree DNA's Holiday Sale will end on Friday
> night, December 31st, at 11:59 pm CST.  So if you've been thinking about
> DNA, this might be a good time.  Family Tree DNA has run the "Sizzling
> Summer Sale" for the past two summers.  Don't know if they plan on doing
> that in the future or not.
> And if anyone is interested, I've had my dad's Y-DNA done a few years ago.
> No matches yet.  I'm doing his autosomal DNA with the Family Finder test and
> should have those results in a couple of weeks.
> Here's the announcement for those who need to see it again.
> ==================================================
> There are 4 NEW KIT offers and 1 UPGRADE offer.
> From Family Tree DNA:
> From Dec. 1 and until December 31st (11:59pm CST), we will reduce the price
> of our Y-DNA 37, Y-DNA 67, mtDNAPlus, and Family Finder tests.
> Price for NEW KITS (You or your testee has never done this before)
> Kit - Regular Group Price - Sale Group price
> Y-DNA 37 (males only) - $149 Reg, $119 Sale
> Y-DNA 67 (males only) - $239 Reg, $199 Sale
> mtDNA Plus (either male or female) - $159 Reg, $129 Sale
> Family Finder (either male or female) - $289 reg, $249 Sale
> Price for UPGRADES (You or your testee has tested and your vials are in
> storage with FTDNA)
> Family Finder (either male or female) - $289 reg, $229 Sale
> Orders must be in and paid for by Dec. 31, 2010, 11:59 CST to receive this
> offer.
> ================
> Back to Cheri:
> For those new to DNA:
> Y DNA is for men (if you are female, find a male relative) and traces the
> testee's father's father's father's line - all men, all the way back.
> mtDNA Plus traces the testee's (either male or female) mother's mother's
> mother's line line - all women, all the way back.  The results usually are
> more anthropological in nature.
> Family Finder - Covers all your lines back to the testee's (either male or
> female) 2 or 3 Great-grandparents.  But with intermarriage, you could get
> results that carry you a bit further back.  I'm thinking the Azores project
> will start to get more matches here once we build the Family Finder part
> of it.
> If you have a kit but didn't use it, it can be transferred to someone
> else.  If you lost it, it can be replaced.  Just let me know.
> If your testee is afraid of testing, drop me an email, let me know what the
> fears are, and I'll separate fact from fiction for you.
> Order from here for your Azorean ancestors:
> If you need to order a kit for a non-Portuguese line, the sale prices
> apply, but you will need to find the correct project to join. Go to
> and type the surname of interest into the search box.   If
> there is no project associated with that surname and you want the sale
> prices, contact me off list and I'll find something for you so you can get
> the sale price.
> Cheri Mello & Rick Pimentel
> Family Tree DNA Admins
> Azores Project

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