Cheri, I deleted my google email ( account a long time ago because I 
never used it. Can you change the email address to or 
Yahoo.Com?  I can't seem to add another email address at the place that is 
supposed to allow it.
  I wanted to make a comment about the laptop lock for public places. It looks 
like unless there's a brace welded to the leg at the top of the table leg, all 
a thief would have to do is close the laptop & slide the cable down the table 
leg & go. I take my laptop & purse with me to the bathroom or a book shelf. 
It's a shame it's impossible to trust everyone any longer. My disabilities keep 
me home now but I still keep an eye on my laptop. So small & easy to slip away 
with a friend of a friend visiting, etc. Sigh, like I said it's a sad 
commentary on society that we can't trust everyone any longer. Take care. 
Thanks, Sandy  PS let me know if I need to re-do my gmail acct. or get a new 
one in order to post on this google group. When I tried to make an additional 
email address I got a msg. that said the was already 
established. I didn't have to sign in either so I know it should be active. 

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