The cookbook is just one recipe after another. As far as I can tell, there's no 
mention of any ritual associated with it. The book is"Cozinha Tradicional da 
Ilha de
Sao Miguel" by Augusto Gomes. I bought it years ago at a shop in San Jose, CA.


On Aug 13, 2011, at 9:49 PM, "Katharine" <> wrote:

> Obrigada, Gayle!
> It sounds rather like the Portuguese recipe above.  Does your cookbook
> mention anything about "oleo" (frying in oil)?  To me they sound sort
> of like the pre-Lenten treats called "filhós" or "malassadas,"
> dependking on the part of the Azores one's in.  The strange thing is
> that the novel I'm translating mentions them being made for feeding
> folks doing a "matança" (ritual hog-killing) in Nordeste, São Miguel,
> during Advent (pre-Xmas), not Lent.  Somehow I had the impression that
> traditionally filhós or malassadas weren't made other times of year.
> If anyone knows, I'd appreciate learning more.
> Katharine.
> = = = = = = = = = =
> "Rosas do Egito," by Ana Maria Albuquerque Taveira (who's had recipes
> online for over a decade in various formats -- I first encountered her
> on a Geocities website ca. 2000):
> Ingredientes
> - 500 g de farinha
> - açúcar a gosto
> - raspas de 1 limão
> - leite o suficiente
> Modo de Preparo
> Misture bem todos os ingredientes da massa, adicionando
> o leite até o ponto da massa. Numa panela, aqueça o
> óleo até ferver. Depois, coloque a forma de rosa dentro
> para aquecer bem. Em seguida, mergulhe a forma na massa
> e retorne ao óleo, deixando fritar até a massa soltar
> da forma. Coloque numa travessa e polvilhe com canela e
> açúcar.
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