I get it now.....and it all makes since.  I just didn't realize how  the 
Internet is intertwined and so very public.
I will be more careful in the future, I don't think I've posted anything  
too personal in the past.  Seeing our conversations on google just caught  me 
by surprise.
But I am going by Ava in the future.... : )
Ava  :  )
Vieira Anselmo in Ribeira Seca, Sao Miguel Pinheiro, Nunes, Silveira in  
Praia do Almoxarife and Pedro Miguel, Faial
Silveira, Rodrigues in Sao  Jorge

In a message dated 8/16/2011 12:22:00 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:


I have 2 choices for settings on this list.   Private or public.  If this 
list was private, I wouldn't have over 860  researchers who have discovered 
us.  So it is public.  The Rootsweb  lists are public.  Many Yahoo ones are 
too (that are genealogy  related).

I realize there are new people to the Internet and list-servs  every day.  
So if someone publicly posts their address or phone, I remove  it from the 
archive.  It does not disappear from the entire Internet for  a couple of 
weeks, though.

However, since this is a public list, and  because most genealogists want 
to connect with others, I leave it  public.  It's up to the user to post what 
they want out  there.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila  Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
Tainhas, Achada

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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to  Follow the confirmation directions when 
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For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail 
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