Hi Richard,

Glad I have put my two cents to work!.......

Now remember! Whenever you run into a difficult record to read I am
a reasonable source for it!!..........

Good luck.


Em 06/01/2012 19:00, Richard Francis Pimentel < rfrancispimen...@comcast.net > escreveu:
v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}

Ary, thank you, what you have given me is enough to confirm what I thought. Joao de Sousa Silva and Maria do Rego ( AKA Maria do Espirito Santo) admit that this Ritta in this record is their legitimate daughter.


Rita born in 1812 is legitimatized 29 years later. I added a few comments below.


I would guess that Joao de Sousa Silva did not admit earlier because he may have been married and did not want his wife to know although most likely everyone in town knew. This opens up a few further questions which I will have to go back to the records to find.




Richard Francis Pimentel

Spring, TX

Formerly of Epping, New Hampshire


Researching, Riberia Grande, Riberinha Ponta Delgada, and Achada Grande,  Sao Miguel, Acores


From: azores@googlegroups.com [mailto:azores@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of aryasan...@uol.com.br
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2012 1:40 PM
To: azores@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help with Margin Note


Hi Richard,

The best two cents from my Colt !.......  Here it is in Portuguese:

Em os quinze de
setembro de mil (oitocentos?)[RFP]  the month at the bottom is definitely December so I say it is December It looks like the De are written very faintly

quarenta e hum annos
apareceo neste Archivo Jo[RFP]  appearing before this Archivist (scribe)
ão de Souza
...(?)... e sua[RFP]      it looks like Silva to me
mulher Ma-
ria do Re
go, e decla[RFP]   Declare
rarão na
minha pre
zença que
Reconhecião[RFP]  admit
a baptizada
Ritta do termo {in fronte/infra ?} como sua filha[RFP]  being our legitimate daughter
legitima. de que declaro
em virtude do ......??. .........
despacho do Reverendo
Ouvidor, .....??.............
forão testemu
nhas o Reverendo Cura
desta Igreja Francisco
Borges da Silva e Ig-
nacio Joze Pacheco. Archivo quinze de Dezenbro de mil oitocentos
quarenta e hum annos.

The best I could get and extract!...........

Ary Santos
Sao Paulo-Brazil.

Em 06/01/2012 17:10, Richard Francis Pimentel < rfrancispimen...@comcast.net > escreveu:

Hi All,


Attached is a Baptism record for Ritta daughter of Maria do Espirto of the Family Joanna do Rego widow and father unknown born on 18 Dec 1812 and so on.


What I am interested in is the margin note. This is what I can read “on the 15th of December the 41st year (1841) … apanco? nest?..chivo?.. Joao de Sousa Silva sua mulhar Maria do Rego ede Cla-rarao? nao minapro? zenla gua? luonheci…? baptizada Ritta do tirano in fracto fellia? Legitima que de ?aro-en Vintu de ??  ???? lequcho do Reverendo suvidor ????  voras ???? ..nhas O Reverendo Cura Francisco Borges da Silva e Ignacio Jose Pacheco achivo 15 Dec 1841


As you can see I can make out parts of it but filling in the blanks would help not being a native speaker does not help.




Richard Francis Pimentel

Spring, TX

Formerly of Epping, New Hampshire


Researching, Riberia Grande, Riberinha Ponta Delgada, and Achada Grande,  Sao Miguel, Acores




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