Hi David,

Here it follows my understanding on what is written there (the basic information):

Em 4 Abril 1705 nasceu Joana, fa. de Miguel de Souza de Ataide e s/mer. espozada
Da. Maria de Melo tida da vida antes de se receberem, fregueses desta Matris do
Apostolo S. Matheus da Va. da praia, Ilha graciosa, baptisada em 8 do dito mes.
testemunhas João Rodrigues e Francisco Lobao.

On the side of the record:

  Foi padrinho Manoel de Souza fo. de Jozeph da Silva ....?....
  Recebi de oferta e fixo.

Looks like that Joana was born when Miguel & Da. Maria where not married yet...
Probably they got married between April 4th & April 8th...

If you need I can rewrite it in English.

Ary Santos
Sao Paulo-Brazil.

Em 21/02/2012 17:18, David Buckley < oldschoo...@gmail.com > escreveu:
I was trying to look for clues regarding the couple of Miguel de Souza
Ataide and his wife Maria de Mello and was going back through the
baptismal records of all their children. Their first child was Joanna
born in 1705 in Sao Matheus, Graciosa. There was one line in the
record that I was not familiar with and was wondering if someone could
help translate what it means. it is right after it lists the mothers
name as D. Maria de Mello. Usually in the other baptismal records for
their kids after it listed the mothers name it would follow by saying
"moradores do vila da praia" or somthing along those lines, but with
this record, there is a phrase just before this sentence that I was
curious about. It may be nothing, but hopefully might help. Also there
is some writing on the side of the record that I was curious about
--be low where the priest wrote in afterwards who the godparents were.

Any help would be appreciated.


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