Thank you very much Cheri! You were right about the age not being accurate. 
I think I found his baptism record making him 4 years older than 
his obituary says.

On Thursday, October 18, 2012 9:18:43 PM UTC-4, Cheri Mello wrote:
> Eddie,
> Line 4: caza (old spelling) na Canada do Azevinheiro (not sure of that 
> spelling)
> English: house on Canada do Azevinheiro.
> I really don't know of any street maps at the freguesia level.  Maybe 
> others who research Sao Jorge island know of some.
> Line 10: -de (from line 9: idade, which is hyphenated for age) de quarenta 
> annos
> English: age of 40 years.  Usually death records of this time period don't 
> have an exact date.  Start with 40 years and work backwards a few years 
> (about 5) and then forwards about 5 years.  You will be finding his 
> siblings if nothing else and really strengthening your reading ability by 
> collecting the whole family.
> Line 9 from bottom: lavador.  Roughly translated it's a day laborer.  I 
> think the literal is washer.
> Line 8 from bottom: Ma-ria Constancia, da governa de sua (caza on next 
> line)
> Maria is hyphenated, so Maria Constancia, a homemaker of her house.  
> Usually it says governa domestica.
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
> Tainhas, Achada

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