
I visited the site for Family Tree DNA to sign up, but they only allow
you to sign up if you buy the kit. I've done my DNA with Sorenson
Genetics. Is there a way to join the FT DNA other than buying the kit?

On Oct 22, 5:10 pm, Cheri Mello <> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Paul <> wrote:
> <<I've heard about Autosomal DNA testing, in fact calls it
> their AncestryDNA is it as accurate as they say it is?>>
> Paul G,
> I don't know what AncestryDNA calls their autosomal testing product.  They
> don't have very many Portuguese people over there. So your chance of
> getting a match is slim.
> Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) is another genealogy testing company.  They've been
> around since 2000.  They have the largest genealogy DNA database.  We have
> 421 members in the Azores DNA project over there and 161 have done the
> FamilyFinder test. That's FTDNA's autosomal DNA test.  The Madeira project
> has 117 members with 33 of them doing the Family Finder test.  FTDNA
> traditionally holds a Holiday Sale in December.  They've been putting
> Family Finder on sale for $199 instead of $289 (plus $4 postage and
> handling if you are a new customer).  One of the admins will post the sale
> when we receive notification of it.
> How accurate is the testing?  As accurate as the science behind it.  I've
> tried to find AncestryDNA's advisory board and have been unsuccessful.  I
> know who's behind FTDNA.  They publish that on their Who's Who page.  They
> have a bunch of big name geneticists who are actively working in the field
> and publishing research.  FTDNA gives you results for only people you match
> based on the current science.  CeCe Moore, Your Genetic Genealogist, posted
> in her blog about problems with AncestryDNA. I'd have to look up the URL
> for that.  Problems with matches, problems with not even being in the right
> haplogroup, people getting back inconclusive results a disproportionate
> amount of time (I think FTDNA is about 2%).
> Ancestry has a cheaper price than FTDNA.  But you do get what you pay for.
> Cheri Mello
> Family Tree DNA Admin
> Azores DNA Project

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