Yea, that's why it was so strange - Bizarre!

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: 30 years
From: mances <>
Date: Sat, May 18, 2013 7:50 am

Hi Doug,
As you know, Bezerra, feminine gender for Bezerro, means calf, and Bizarra, feminine gender for Bizarro, means weird.
It is a curious example, because usually the variations of a surname tend to keep its etymological root, but that is not the case with Bezerra and Bizarra.

Manoel Cesar Furtado

Em sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2013 20h58min22s UTC-3, Doug Holmes escreveu:
No surprise, Manoel.

I knew you would get them. :-)

Yea, these are given names, like you said.

Abbreviates family names can be a real problem and sometimes can only be figured out after a lot of research in the freguesia where you find it.
The priest obviously felt it was a common name there.

I was just looking at this name "d'Ultra" (D'ULTRA) and was beginning to believe it a valid name because it was recorded that way by the priest.
But then I saw a witness (father of the groom) sign his name as Dutra which confirmed what I thought it must be.
I suppose it has something to do with how it sounds in the location where it's written.

I recently ran across a BEZERRA family with Pico origins but I think it was found in São Miguel or somewhere other than Pico.
It had changed over to BIZARRA in this new location. And it was written this new way on many instances, not just one single priest making a mistake.

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: 30 years
From: mances <>
Date: Fri, May 17, 2013 4:45 pm

Hi Doug,

Are you talking about given names?

pº - Pedro
aº - Afonso
gº - Gonçalo
cª - Catarina

Manoel Cesar Furtado


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