Hello Cousin Neil,
This is Bill Seidler in California and I am a great gandson of Felicidade 
Teixeira and her husband Ventura Pacheco Demello.  I am interested in 
finding out more about the children of Manuel Bernardo Teixera who is 
apparently a GG Grandfather to both you and I?
This is what I have from the CCA website:
-- Manuel Bernardo Teixiera born 1831 to Bernardo Teixeira and Vitoria 
Maria in Agua Retorta
-- He married Emilia Rosa de Medeiros  25 Jan 1871 in Agua Retorta
Manuel Bernardo and Emilia Rosa had the following children that I have 
found in CCA:
-- Francisco born Oct 1871 in Agua Retorta
-- Rosa born Oct 1872 in Agua Retorta
-- Filomena born Jan 1875 in Agua Retorta
Sometime after 1875 they moved to Ponta Delgada (São José) and had more 
children there but those records are not on CCA. I obtained otherwise the 
baptism record of my great grandmonther Felicidade born to them Aug 1887 in 
São José, Ponta Delgada.  I am unable to find the baptism record for your 
great grandfather, José, in Agua Retorta on CCA,  but I am kind of new at 
this.  Could they have already moved to Ponta Delgada?  Do you know the 
immigration status of the oldest child, Francisco?  I am told that Filomena 
immigrated to Massachusetts. My wife believes Rosa was the only of his 
children to not immigrate.  Rosa, by the way, is my wife's great 
grandmother.  So my wife, like you and I, is also a great great grandchild 
of the same Manuel Bernardo Teixeira and Emilia Rosa de Medeiros.  My wife 
also believes there was another daughter that went to Massachusetts named 
Maria.  Do you know anything about her?

On Thursday, December 27, 2012 10:33:07 AM UTC-8, Neil Teixeira wrote:

> Hello Cousin Lee,
>         Merry Christmas. 
>         This Neil Teixeira in California. Its a small world. Your 
> Felicidade Conc Teixeira is the sister of my Jose Teixeira b. 18 Oct, 1880 
> in Ague Retorta. This 1880 Jose Teixeira immigrated to and stayed in 
> California and worked as a ship painter.
> I've been working on our Teixeira line-forever-till the records ran out. 
> The paternal male line tree.....travels something like this: Bernardo 
> Teixeira Nogueira & Victoria Maria in Agua Retorta, then Jose Teixeira 
> Nogueira b 1766 & Benedita Jesus Pimental in Nordestinho....Antonio 
> Teixeira Pimental b. 1722 & Quiteria Borges in Nordeste.....Manuel Teixeira 
> Nogueira b 1682 & Anna Pimental in Nordeste....Manual Nogueira b 1655 & 
> Anna Correa (Carrero) in Nordeste....Manual Alves Nogueira & Anna Teixeira 
> in Nordeste....Belchior Alves Nogueira & Maria Correia in Nordeste. 
>        The vital records then run out and are very hard to read. I've only 
> found bits a pieces (in Nordeste) of the Nogueira and Teixeira lines. I 
> believe (cannot prove it) on the Nogueira line we are connected to a Tome 
> Nogueira & Catharina Aveiro Luis Fonseca. And on the Teixeira line....to 
> Manuel Vas Fazenda & Ines Viegas....then to Joam Vas Teixeira...all of 
> Nordeste......then (hopefully) to Tristao Vas Teixeira of Maderia Island.
> This is as far as I have gotten, I just cannot find the key document to 
> tie us to either Madeira Island or the mainland.
> I hope this sheds some light on our trail. 
> Happy New Year to everyone.
> Neil T.
> On Monday, December 24, 2012 7:20:58 PM UTC-8, Lee wrote:
>> Have also just learned that my Felicidade da Conceicao Teixeira was the 
>> daughter of Manuel Teixeira and Emilia Rosa de Medeiros (who were natives 
>> of Agua Retorta - were married there according to Felicidade's baptism 
>> record) and was the paternal granddaughter of Bernardo Teixeira and Vitoria 
>> Maria ?? and the maternal granddaughter of Manuel Furtado Algarvio and 
>> Feliciana de Medeiros.
>> Also curious to know if anyone recognizes any of these people?
>> Lee, WV

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