My great grandparents, Ventura Pacheco De Mello (Born 13 March 1885, Rabo 
de Peixe) and Felicidade Teixeira (born 24 Aug 1877, Sao Jose, Ponta 
Delgada) married in 1905 in Cambridge, Ma.  I know them to have had three 
children. My grandmother, Mary (born 12 Apr 1910, Cambridge), Manuel (born 
1913, Cambridge, and Joseph (born 1918, Cambridge).  I can also see an 
unnamed mello child as dying in Cambridge in 1906 with them listed as 
parents.  I know they lived in the Azores from 1914 to 1916 because they 
applied for emergency U.S. passports for their two American-born children 
(Mary and Manuel) in 1916 at the consulate in Ponta Delgada which say they 
last left the U.S. in 1914.  They returned to Cambridge on 3 Feb 1916 on 
the Cretic.  What puzzles me is the manifest shows them with three 
children--Mary, Manuel, and an 11-month old boy named Jose.  The Ponta 
Delgada Passaporte lists also shows this child.  My grandmother's younger  
brother Joseph's birth is listed as 17 Jan 1918 on his death record from 
Los Angeles in 1972 (I can't find his Massachusetts birth record) so he 
would not have been born yet.  So who is this child that traveled in 1916?
I consider most likely that this child died on or shortly after this voyage 
and my great grandparents gave their next child the same name.  But if this 
is the case I can't find the death record in Massachusetts.  I also 
considered that this child is my mother's Uncle Joe and his birth record 
was somehow falisfied to show that he is U.S. born, but that seems 
unlikely.  I also considered that the child was not their child but someone 
they were protecting.  This came to mind because the next person listed on 
the passenger manifest is Maria Maiato, a single 18-year-old woman who 
appears to be my great grandfather's niece.  My great grandfather is listed 
as going to his brother Francisco P. Mello in Cambridge while Maria Maiato 
is listed as going to her uncle Francisco P. Mello in Cambridge.  Maiato is 
the maiden name of my great-great grandmother.
Any suggestions?

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