Your translation is pretty good, you just have the names reversed for some 
reason. Keep the name as written, Manoel Viera de Macedo, Property owner.  
When you see Receberam, it just indicates the parish where the couple was 
received, in other words where they were married.
Maria Natalia
On Monday, January 27, 2014 5:15:00 AM UTC-6, David J Lima wrote:

> I've attempted to translate my GGF's baptism, Entry #5 of Sao Roque 1884:
> *Em do vinte cinco dias do mes de fevereiro do ano de mil oito centos 
> oitenta e quatro Nesta Parochial Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Ajuda do 
> Concelho de Sao Roque da ilha do Pico diocese da Angra, baptizei 
> solemnemente um individuo do sexo masculino, a quem dei o nome de Manoel, e 
> que nasceu nesta freguesia, as duas horas da tarde do dia vinte e dois do 
> corrente mes e ano, filho legitimo de Manoel Vieira de Macedo, 
> proprietario, e de Francisca Marianna do Nascimento, domestica, naturaes, 
> paroquianos e moradores nesta freguesia, onde de receberam neto paterno de 
> Manoel Vieira de Macedo e de Isabel Ignacia, e materno de Manoel Avernas de 
> Silveira e de Francisca de Jesus. farão padrinhos os avos maternos os quaes 
> todos sei serem os proprios. E para constar se lavrou em duplicado esta 
> assento, que depois de ser lido e conferido perante os padrinhos comigo nao 
> assignaram por nao saberem escrever. Era ut supra.*
> What I have so far:
> On the twenty fifth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred 
> eighty-four in this Parochial Church of Our Lady of Help in the 
> municipality of Sao Roque of Pico Island, Diocese of Angra, I have solemnly 
> baptized an individual male, to whom I gave the name of Manoel, and was 
> born in this parish, two o'clock in the afternoon of the twenty-second day 
> of the current month and year, legitimate son of Manoel de Macedo Vieira, 
> homeowner(?), and born to Francisca Marianna, housewife(?), natives, 
> parishioners and residents in this parish, which received the paternal 
> grandson of Manoel de Macedo Vieira and Isabel Ignacia, and the maternal 
> grandson of Manoel Avernas Silveira and Francisca de Jesus. The godparents 
> will be the maternal grandparents, quaes(?) everyone be their own. This 
> record was filed in duplicate this sitting, which was read and confirmed 
> before godparents with me for not knowing how to write. Era ut supra [Latin]
> Thanks for any input on this translation you can offer 
> Dave

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