Hi everyone. I have been looking for Simao de Souza and his wife Theresa 
(Ursula) Machado. She sometimes goes by that name Ursula. They are from Sao 
Jose Ponta Delgada Sao Miguel. 
I am looking for their marriage. They started having kids from 1710 to 1721. I 
have 5 children .  Theresa died in 1724. Simao remarried in 1724 and died in 
1726. I have searched a lot for this couples marriage and just can't find it. I 
even looked in Baptisms for simao figuring it wasn't a popular name, but that 
was not the case. I guess in those years it was.LOL Oh well , Don't know where 
to go from here. Looked at Simao 2nd marrage and it only gives Theresa's name . 
No parents. Anyone related to these people? 
Thanks once again. 
Pat Mello 
We had a beautiful spring like day today. Sweatshirt weather. Thank you God. 

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