I am hoping someone in Brasil will be able to confirm or recognize this nursery rhyme my mother used to sing to us when kids. From 1950 to 1955 before I was born our family lived in Niteroi near Rio and then in Sao Paulo.

Somewhere along the way, my sister learned this in school and I was trying to remember it.

I remembered the English translation as follows:

I like to help
because it makes me happy
I'll clean the house
and Mama will be smiling

My sister improved upon that by attempting to remember the original Portuguese, not the real spelling, but her phonetic spelling as:

Gostu daj u da
Porque me fas contente
Yo vo vorer a casa
Y Mama fe ca asuradente

So my father has attempted to correct to the proper spelling like this:

Gosto do ajudar (I like to help)
Porque me faz contente (because it makes me happy)
Eu vou barar a  casa (I will clean the house)
(I don't remember the last line but it has something to do with smiling.)

From my sister's last line, I believe it could be this:

E Mama fica asuradente

So with all that, can anyone correct me and give the real or accurate rhyme?

With my mother gone for almost 44 years now, these are the little gems we try to keep.


Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

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