Almost caught up for today!

When making a request, please include the name and kit number.  It takes
too long for me to look through 600 people when the email to me says
"Please check my uncle's DNA."  I may look up someone else's uncle and send
you the wrong info.  So please send the name of the person and the kit


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Cheri Mello <> wrote:

> For those who have tested with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) and took the Family
> Finder test....
> The new ethnicity breakdown is coming.  I have a beta/preview of it and
> can see your ethnic breakdowns.
> I'm confused!  Now I know why that email said "soon."
> My dad:
> 97% European
> 47% European Coastal Islands
> 39% North Mediterranean Basin
> 8% European Coastal Plains
> 2% North Circumpolar (guess I better learn some new words)
> 2% Middle Eastern
> 2% East Afroasiatic
> 2% African
> 2% East African Pastoralists
> OK, that's way over 100%!!!  So I'm guessing that there's some divider
> thing that's not displaying properly.  So I'll take a guess that my dad,
> who used to be 99.9% Western European under the old Population Finder is
> 97% European now and 3% other.  If I add 47+39+8+2+2+2+2+2 I get 104%.  So
> I'm guessing a few of those numbers are rounded up (for instance, the 2%
> are really 1.5% and the 8% is really a 7.5%, etc).
> I don't see where the French, Portuguese, Polish, Russia part is.  I know
> they told me that Portugal is working.  OK, where's it hiding?
> And the map is cut off.  I don't know how to explain this, but I see the
> Equator and a few countries above and below the Equator.  If I try to move
> the map, I move my dad and his list of Afroasiatic, Patorialists, and
> Circumpolar around!
> If you are really eager to learn about your Circumpolar and Pastorialist
> breakdowns, I will look it up for you, but just to let you know, I'm pretty
> busy until Monday (festa season starts here).  I will do my best to try to
> get back to you but I have a full 3 days ahead of me.
> Cheri Mello
> FTDNA Admin (volunteer)
> Azores DNA Project
> --
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das
> Tainhas, Achada

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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