Well said, Cheri and the rest of those who answered the "gift" email, I fully 
support all of your posting.

Celeste Perry ccgran...@yahoo.com
On Sunday, May 18, 2014 9:53 AM, nancy jean baptiste <fishsongf...@hotmail.com> 

I can only say YES to everything and reiterate that everything Grace said 
expresses how I feel regarding the group. Thank you.
Cheri, you are a much more patient person than I am.....I can only assume that 
Doug wasn't "disappeared" a long time ago because of his father, Lionel who is 
a welcome presence in the group.
Doug, from the time Family Finder was introduced you became a very active 
member of the group although prior to that time you were much less active. Your 
intent to "milk" the group was clear from the beginning. Cheri's kind to 
compare you to a used car salesman....I would liken your snarky attitude to a 
snake oil salesman. While you may have good information to contribute it's 
never delivered without a solicitation......some yuckier than others.....I 
sincerely doubt your statement that Cheri kept members posts from the 
group....that would be totally out of character and the best evidence of that 
is that some of your more distasteful posts have been allowed! I think the lack 
of response to your "gift" email is that quite a few people are "put off" by 
you. My very outspoken Mother, (a Pereira) would have simply told you to "Go 
pound tar."........she was a very wise woman!
Nancy Jean Baptista
Pico, Santa Maria, Sao Jorge...mainly....

To: azores@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] List membership, posts, researchers for hire, 
DNA fundraising
From: azores@googlegroups.com
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 10:00:33 -0400

Dear Cheri, 

I joined the Azorean Genealogy Group in order to gain a better understanding of 
my Azorean family and of the Azores as a whole.  

I admit, because of my lack of confidence in this subject matter, I 
don't post regularly.  BUT, I consistently read 95% of the posts EVERYDAY to 
gain an understanding of the subject matter.  

I am a cheer leader so to speak in the background.  I am
 marveled at all the members commitment and involvement.  I am so appreciative 
to everyone in this group.  I can't tell you how many times I tell my family 
how wonderful this group is and all the intelligent people who contribute.  

With confidence I submitted my DNA with the Azorean Project because of it's 
science, goals, foresight, and the strong moral principals of the 

I have gained so much joy, achieved a tremendous amount of knowledge, made some 
miraculous discoveries that has propelled me to meet families I thought never 
existed both in the US and the Azores.  I underscore "Miraculous".

I have felt both the Azorean Genealogy Group and Azorean Project (FTDNA), 
functions in the best interest of genealogical science, follow ethical 
guidelines, monitors discrepancies to the best of their ability, and promotes 
an environment that is safe for ALL it's members.  

I did NOT ( I underscore NOT) join these groups to judged, assumed, counted, 
hacked, haggled, coerced, duped, stole from, lured by gift giving, made to feel 
uneasy, or have ONE molecule of doubt about where my genealogical and DNA 
information would be used for.  I underscore "One Molecule".  

Reading the content of the email that is segmenting people off into island 
groups by offering gifts in exchange for ?????? 

What kind of information - DNA information??  So, you want my families names 
and histories, to be used for what??, by whom??, by YOU??? Where will this 
information go????  

Oh I get it, you want to give me a gift (not that great of a gift to an expert 
genealogist), in exchange for (I am assuming) my families names, DNA 
information that will benefit your business model, RIGHT??  

Wrong BUDDY!!! If so, your motives are unethical, selfish, self serving, and 

Cheri, I appreciate you addressing this problem and nipping it in the bud.  
Best regards, grace

Searching family names on the island Sao Miguel, Acores-
Pacheco Sant'Anna, Pacheco-Moniz, Pacheco da Silva, Pereira, Figueira, da 
Costa Canario, Carvalho, de Medeiros, de Melo, Vieira, da Silva, de Viveiros, 
Tavares, Arruda, de Arruda, Futado Teixeira

Primary villages on the island of San Miguel, Azores-
Furnas, Maia, Lomba da Maia, Porto 
Formoso, andNordeste 
-----Original Message-----
From: Cheri Mello <gfsche...@gmail.com>
To: Azores Genealogy <Azores@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, May 17, 2014 11:23 pm
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] List membership, posts, researchers for hire, DNA 


I've posted from time to time how many 
subscribers are on this list.  Anyone can find that number by going out 
to the Web board/Forum board and clicking the "About" link.  The only 
reason I mention it is to make people aware that they are emailing 1200 
people, some of whom are still working or have limited time on their 
hands.  The list is active with genealogy posts (sometimes 20 in a day) 
and I would like the posts to be meaningful for the 1200 subscribers.  
Reading a single post that says "Thanks!" is imposing on people's time 
and is not meaningful nor helpful in someone's genealogical search.  

After teaching kids and teenagers math and then adults DNA and genealogy, I 
know how it works.  Teach something.  You get questions 
from some of the audience (class) at the end.  People (even kids) raise 
their hand and ask questions.  The vast majority take the information 
that was presented and walk away with it.  Then there are the few people that 
come up and ask a question in private.  Same thing with this 
list.  The vast majority of people read, take the information, and walk 
away with it.  Some people raise their hand (post) their question for 
all to see.  And a few email privately to ask a question.  

Since your last post, I've received a number of emails about 
the underlying intent of that post.  You'll give people a gift who email you?  
Geez, you're sounding like a used car salesman!  All of us who 
have been into this awhile know you do research for hire.  It's posted 
on the Azores GenWeb for all to see along with the list of other 
researchers for hire.  And when someone asks for a researcher for hire, I post 
that link.  So if you are drumming up business, just say so.  But 
to bribe people with a gift....sounds like those time share things where you 
sit for 3 hours and listen to their spiel for the "gift" at the 
end.  And we all know that many of those things are shady.  I'm sure you don't 
want to be known as the "shady" genealogist!

And the DNA offer?  Sorry to tell you this, but we've already 
been doing fundraising.  We've raised funds for certain lines that we 
wanted tested and the money was put into the General Fund at FTDNA.  
Basically an escrow account.  That way, I don't have to handle the money and 
try to keep track of it.  Money can create problems. Just giving 
money to one person with no backing....I prefer the fiduciary set up 
that FTDNA has.  And it was nice having it there in another project I 
manage.  People contributed money towards a kit and then they decided 
not to pursue that line.  FTDNA knew who donated what and refunded it 
all back.  Seriously, people are going to send you money and for all we 
know, you're using it to buy something you've been eyeballing!

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 
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