Mel, its boilerplate language. When someone becomes a parishioner of 
another parish they are welcomed by the congregation (figure of speech). If 
you've been to Sao Miguel and travelled to different points of interest 
you'd note that Sete Cidades is in a "valley" - so is Furnas, and Lagoa, 
etc. Its used as an alternative to words like cidade, villa, matriz, 
freguesia, etc. Apparently the parents at some point moved to Sete Cidades, 
and baptized their child in the Irmida de Sao Nicolau. Irmidas are not full 
fledged parishes, they are basically chapels... so the are subordinate to a 
mother parish. The Ermida de Sao Paulo, in Ribeira Quente was subordinate 
to Nossa Senhora da Piedade for decades until it was upgraded to parish 
status. During the periods when the Ermida is subordinate to the larger 
parish, records of events such as marriages are recorded in in both 

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 5:56:01 PM UTC-4, IslandRoutes wrote:
> I am trying to work out what the middle part of this baptimal says.  I've 
> got the beginning.  It says that Maria Albina de Jesus was from lugar de 
> Ginetes.  After the word Ginetes it says something like "recebios(?) no 
> Irmida de Sao Nicolao do Sete Cidades, Parochiianos d'este freguezia e 
> moradores no deste(?) valled de Sete Cidades.
> What is that telling me?  This record is in the church records for 
> Mosteiros.  So is it saying that the baby was baptised in Mosteiros, the 
> father is from the same place, the mother is from Ginetes, but they live in 
> Sete Cidades and are parishioners of that church?  I've never encountered 
> this wording before, so it threw me off.
> The entry is No. 46 Maria on this page (image 20)
> Thanks!

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