
I share your goal.

I spent last night writing an article about this conversation and topic. I will submit it to a Portuguese newspaper and hope they decide to use it. That will surely help our cause.

I can send you the article if you like.

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] DNA matches that link the Azores to
Mainland Portugal
From: A Faria <>
Date: Sun, October 19, 2014 8:58 am

My goal Doug is through DNA to obtain clues about the ancestral Village, Town or City of my ancestors prior to settling in the Azores I predict interest will increase in this area and there will be some format to

share and discuss this information with others that are interested. I have some good clues already that indicate that my direct paternal ancestor that settled on Pico in the 1500's was from Porto, it is important

that more people of Azorean ancestry test to give us more clues but we will get a clearer picture when more Portuguese from the Mainland test


On Saturday, October 18, 2014 5:33:01 PM UTC-7, Doug da Rocha Holmes wrote:

Your point is excellent.

I have a cousin of a cousin by marriage (if you can follow that one!) who did Y-DNA testing and has no matches from his mainland Portuguese ancestry. Of course, it's no surprise. But if we are to have any chance at finding family connections to mainland people, DNA is the only way. I will point this out in the Portuguese Genealogy group on Facebook, where we have about 250 or so members and growing (but not growing as fast as the Azores group) and I think it could have some impact.

Similarly, I recently was invited to join a Facebook group of people with Madalena, Pico ancestry and found I am related to them all (over 100 members of that group) and slowly working on convincing them to test.

The answer is always to get more to test, so that's what I work on.

Doug da Rocha Holmes
Sacramento, California
Pico & Terceira Genealogist

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