Hello Ally,
You will likely have no trouble getting a positive result.
And even if you don't, then just create a Gedmatch account for all test kits and compare that way.
If one of the probable matches falls below the minimum threshold of 7cM, then you can still get lower levels to show.
It could be due to certain segments staying large as "sticky segments" but it is very common to show a link between people that are born in the 1950s and common ancestors from the 1650s and earlier. You can see that's 300 years.
Sometimes it's because one of the two who tested have two lines to these common ancestors (because of cousin marriages). This has happened to me many times with other matches.
Chances are that your test subjects will show as closer than they really are.
If anyone wants a $25 coupon on Y-DNA testing, I still have one I couldn't find anyone to use. Just a few hours left before it expires.
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