R1b is the most common European haplogroup for males. The current
nomenclature is R-M269. Within that very large group is another subgroup,
who are the most common of the most common. That's the Western Atlantic
Modal Haplotype or WAMH.

What this Backbone panel is going to do is to refine and break these
subgroups down on the tree of mankind. So instead of being R-M269, you
could be R-P312, R-S1051, R-L21, etc.

So that means at Thanksgiving you can say that you're no longer R-M269, but
R-####. Everyone's eyes will glaze over like they have had too much turkey!

All joking aside though...no, it's not going to help with your genealogy
per se. It really more anthropological in nature. At least at this time.
There is a thought that there may be familial SNPs. This science is pretty
new. I don't think that means that there's a Mello SNP, a Barbosa SNP, an
Avelar SNP. I think it may mean that there's a SNP that the Mello & Barbosa
families descend from, for example. It's still a developing science and
they are making discoveries. No one has a crystal ball to say what the end
result is.

I think they are advertising 135 for SNPs in a package for $79 instead of
$99. Normally, it $39 per SNP. So to order 135 SNPs would be a few thousand

So if you have the extra $79 and are willing to contribute your Y-DNA (or
the Y-DNA of the male you tested) to this growing science, do it! Just
understand that you're not getting genealogy out of it a this time. You may
be leaving a legacy for the future!

Cheri Mello
Family Tree DNA Admin (volunteer)
Azores DNA Project

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