Hi Barbara,

I've found that every century seems to have it's own particular 
paleographic challenges.  You've got the most important data from the 
record already, but I hope this translation might be useful for you in 
reading further records.  There are probably some typos and errors, but 
it's a start--

best of luck with your research,


1. Em os vinte e cinco dias do mez de Novembro do Anno de
2. mil septe centos oitenta e nove, sendo de manha nesta
3. Parochial de Nossa Sen.ra de Guadalupe, Logar de Agu-
4. alva, feitas prim.ro as dilig.os necesiarios, na forma
5. do Sagrado Conilio Tridentino e Con[??????] deste
6. Bispado por nao se descobrir impedim.to , Como me
7. constou por hu[m] mandado expresso do R.do Ouvi-
8. dor da Villa da Praya, Vig.o proprio da Ma-
9. triz da d.a Villa Vicente Ferreira Sottomayor
10. na prezenca de mim Joao de Deos da Costa Vig.o
11. proprio desta d.a Paroc.al e das desto.os abaixo assig-
12. nadas An.to Martins Rib.ro e Manoel Antunes
13. Gerardes, ambos Caszados e freg.es desta m.ma Par.al
14. Se cazarao solmnenem.te por palavras de prezen-
15. te in facie Ecclesio por marido e m.er como man-
16. da a S.ta Madre Igr.a Joze Coelho, f.o legitimo
17. de Manoel Coelho e de sua m.er Fran.ca Ignacia
18. ja defuntos com Quiteria Ignacia, filha de Este-
19. vao Lour.co e de sua m.er Maria de S. Joze, ambos
20. os contrahentes naturaes e freg.es desta sobre d.a Pa-
21. rochial, honde sati?sfizerao aos preceitos da Quares-
22. ma proxime passada e p.a constar fiz este
23. termo, que assigno no d.o dia, mez, e anno, [era] ut supra.

lines 1-4: state the date, place, and time of day (morning)
lines 4-9: state that the requirements of the Council of Trent have been 
fulfilled, that no impediments were discovered, and under whose authority 
the marriage is made
lines 10- 13: give the names of the priest and the names of the witnesses 
and their status(married) as well as their parish ("this same parish")
lines 14-19: give the details of the groom, bride and their parents; the 
groom's parents are deceased
lines 19- 22: state that the bride and groom are both both natives of the 
parish and that the parish is where they fulfilled their most recent Lenten 
lines 22-23: state that this [document] was made for the record and signed 
on the [above cited] date, month and year;  "era ut supra" is Latin for "It 
was as above" , i.e., an attestation of the truth of the record

On Monday, October 5, 2015 at 6:37:54 PM UTC-7, Barbara Davis wrote:
> Some of the notations in this record are not what I'm accustomed to and 
> I'm not quite sure what it says.
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/TER-PV-AGUALVA-C-1770-1832/TER-PV-AGUALVA-C-1770-1832_item1/TER-PV-AGUALVA-C-1770-1832_JPG/TER-PV-AGUALVA-C-1770-1832_0049.jpg
> Line 4:  made first....?
> Line 16:  ...Jose Coelho, legitmate son
> Line 17:  of Manoel Coelho, and his wife... ? ... Ignacia
> Line 18-end:  I AM LOST!!!  HELP ME DECIPHER!
> Also, some of the records five the age of the bride or groom.  I can't see 
> ages in this one, but perhaps I'm just missing them?
> Thanks!
> Barb 

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