Do you have the name of the Brazilian publication about the cristãos 

Em terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2016 17:04:31 UTC-3, Cheri Mello 
> Repost for Manuel Azevedo (email below):
> greetings to all,
> there has been very little research done on this topic. the extant jewish 
> cemeteries that i know of in ponta delgada ( são miguel),  angra ( 
> terceira) and horta ( faial) all date from post pombal return of north 
> african/ gilbratar sephardim who established communities in faro, lisbon, 
> ponta delgada, angra and terceira. the synagogue in ponta delgada survived 
> and has recently been restored. the faro community created a museum/ 
> cemetery. the lisbon community which rebuilt its synagogue in 1904 was 
> taken over by the ashkenazi who fled the holocaust to portugal. the azorean 
> communities are non-existent. pedro merlim?, recently deceased wrote a book 
> entitled " os hebreus da terceira". 
> these communities have no relation  to the initial settlors of the 
> azores, some of whom were no doubt jews and after the forced conversion of 
> 1497 were known as new christians, (although porto judeu in terceira is not 
> porto de cristão novos!)
> inquisition records, which are on line ( torre de tombo national 
> archices) in my opinion relate the best social history of the period. 
> professor paulo drummond braga did his phd on the inquisition in the azores 
> which has been published.
> it contains a list of names from the 1604 " finta" ie. levy of new 
> christians in the azores that were taxed to pay for the general pardon 
> granted in 1604 by philip of spain ( remember the union of the two crowns 
> in 1580).
> i have reproduced the list on my blog ( and as an 
> appendix in a book about the first azorean woman to be burned at the stake 
> in 1576 which i can send as an ebook to anyone who requests it by emailing 
> me at mlopesazevedo at or through the ladina blog.
> also on the blog are dutch notarial records from the 17th? and 18th 
> century which have some references to the azores. there is also an 
> excellent brazilian publication of portuguese new christian names and their 
> origin/location.
> cedros is not on the 1604 tax roll. there are cedros on pico. one family 
> member told me the family was from greece. lebanon? the jewish 
> connotation  does accord with the factoid that new christains took names of 
> plants, including trees.
> cumprimentos
> manuel azevedo

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