Hi Jemendonca642,
This is what I could translate/understand:

1 - On Aug, 2nd, 1831 left .
2-  the present life, Francisco Munis, 43 years old,
3- more or less, married to Maria Joaquina de Mello, 
4- parishioners of Our Lady of Rosario de Lugar
5- from Achadinha, without receiving the last rites because
6- died (the word is not repente - seems something like Regectente but 
there is no such word) by the troops which entered this Island
7 - in behalf of Her (probably some kind of pronoun treatment for nobility 
used then - none that I can recognize)... Dona Maria II ....
8 -... rightful (verdadeira) queen of Portugal , Was buried at this same 
9 -  being commended by me, João Antonio de Medeiros Raposo.
10 - his wife had the .... 
11 - and had a Funeral  Mass said in behalf of his soul - in his behalf and
12 -  20 more  Masses for the underpriveleged and.... which I made 
13 -  this statement on the 4th day of the same month and hour above 
the Vicar, João Antonio de Medeiros Raposo 
(probably some cousin of mine...lol)
Hope it helps.

Em sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2016 22:01:23 UTC-3, jemendonca642 escreveu:
> Top-Right: Francisco Munis
> It is a good record but there are words unfamiliar to me.  It seems that 
> Francisco was killed by military forces supporting Dona Maria II to restore 
> her to the throne of Portugal but I'm not sure.
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMG-ND-ACHADINHA-O-1822-1858/SMG-ND-ACHADINHA-O-1822-1858_item1/P41.html
> This is what I've been able to read (more or less).
>    1. 
>    Em os dois dias do mes de Agosto de mil oito centos trinta hum faleceu
>    2. 
>    da vida presente Francisco Munis de idade de quarenta e tres annos
>    3. 
>    pouco mais ou menos Casado que foi com Maria Joaquina de Me-
>    4. 
>    llo fregues desta Parochial de Nossa Senhora do Rosario de Lugar
>    5. 
>    de Achadinha sem Reciber os Divino Sacramentos da morte por
>    6. 
>    ser morte de *Reptente? *pelas Tropas que entrarem nesta ilha
>    7. 
>    em o nome da *issma?* Senhora Dona Maria Segunda de *?*
>    8. 
>    do *…? ? ?*                   Rainha de Portugal, foi Sepultado nesta 
>    di-
>    9. 
>    ta Parochial       *??*                          por mim Joao Antonio 
>    de Me-
>    10. 
>    deiros Raposo teve os sufragios de costume a dita Sua mulher
>    11. 
>    mandou celebrar por sua alma hua Missa de hoje presente e
>    12. 
>    mais vinte Missas dos deperiviligio e de *tencao.?* de que fis
>    13. 
>    este termo em os quarto dias do mesmo mes e hora ut Supra.
> O Vigario Joao Antonio de Medeiros Raposo

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