I've looked at all the descendants that I have for this line and the latest 
I can go to a direct male descendant is in mid 1800's.  I have direct 6th 
generation Capt. Antonio Ignacio de Medeiros who died in Feb. 5th 1849 in 
Faial da Terra but only had a daughter.  All the other lines I checked 
ended in females or I had no descendants listed.

On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 2:27:57 PM UTC-4, Cheri Mello wrote:
> You know how ideas are really good in theory but sometimes when we put 
> them to practice, well, we run into obstacles?
> Joao Afonso Grotas Fundas...born mid to late 1400s, d. 1512. Work tracing 
> ALL his sons forward for the past 550 years to wherever his descendants 
> went: America, Canada, Brasil, Bermuda, Australia, etc. AND find a living 
> son. That's a half a century of work! And do the same thing for the Count.
> Who are the sons of Joao Afonso of Grotas Fundas? Who are sons of the 
> Count?
> Is someone on this list a strict line male descendant of those two men? 
> Maybe. Are they sitting on the other side of the computer hiding out? I 
> doubt it. If they are a strict line male descendant, they probably don't 
> know it. Maybe it's Rick Pimentel. He's done a bunch of research, but he 
> ran out of records way before the mid to late 1400s. Many people don't have 
> their genealogy back to the 1400s because of the lack of records. And then 
> we have this group of people - they either don't have an island or a 
> freguesia yet and have not been able to search. Or maybe they have their 
> island & freguesia but find reading the records intimidating and really 
> haven't begun their research in the Azores. Maybe it's Peter Pimentel who 
> lives in Omaha, Nebraska and is 1/16th Portuguese and doesn't do genealogy. 
> (He's fictional, by-the-way). Maybe it's Mike Miller (also fictional) who 
> lives in New England and whose family has been there forever, since 
> Mayflower times. Or so he thinks. His surname is Miller and he assumes it 
> is English and he assumes he goes back to the American colonial families. 
> He doesn't know that Miller is an anglicization of Mello and that he's 
> really Portuguese. His sister does all the genealogy by following the 
> little green leaves on Ancestry and she thinks they are Mayflower 
> descendants too. 
> It would take a lot of work to trace the strict male lines forward. Not 
> only for Joao Afonso, but William van der Haagen, Jose d'Utra, etc, etc. It 
> would be wonderful to have the Y DNA of those prominent men of the Azores. 
> And Gaspar Frutuoso too. But he was a priest and as far as we know, 
> celibate. Did he have any brothers? So many good sample to get. Everyone 
> should DNA test even if they are just beginning in genealogy. They may be 
> that person that we are after and they just don't know it yet.
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
> Tainhas, Achada

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