Thank you Cheri. As I suspected the only way to proceed is to use DNA.
Alexandrina da Assunção has four grandchildren that are still with us (two
males and two females) and numerous Great Grandchildren and their
offspring. Who would you recommend be tested and what type of test would
you suggest?

As a bit of an aside, after posting this question I've continued looking
for any Alexandrina born in Santa Maria between 1860 and 1870 who was an
'exposta'. Alexandrina is not a very common name and I have found only
one... baptized on March 17th 1862 in Villa do Porto. The link to the
record is
In this record she is described as "uma crianca do sexo femenino a que dei
o nome de Alexandrina que foi exposta na Roda da Casa da Camara depois da
meia noite, filha de Pais nao sabidos".

Of course there is no way to know from this information that this is the
woman that I'm looking for but now I'm curious to know from others if you
have found orphans who were given a second name based on the name of the
church in which they were baptized. If this is a common practice then
Alexandrina da Assunção may have gotten her second name from "Nossa Senhora
da Assunção", the church in which she was baptized. Again, I know that none
of this proves that this is the lady that I'm looking for but I'm inclined
to think there is a high likelihood that this is her...



On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Cheri Mello <> wrote:

> Alexandrina do Assuncao is the mom. Neither grandparents are known, so
> Alexandrina herself was an exposto, foundling, orphaned.
> There's no way to verify the family stories from this document. You may be
> able to use DNA if you could obtain samples from all the descendants
> mentioned in your stories.
> The margin on page 2 says Raulino was married to Maria d'Andrade Melo and
> he died in this freguesia on 1? May 1931? 1937?
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das
> Tainhas, Achada
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 3:44 PM, George Sousa <>
> wrote:
>> Researching one of my ancestors Raulino Jose de Souza (b. 1889 Santo
>> Espirito, Santa Maria). I've located his baptismal record (see the
>> following Centro de Conhecimento links):
>> First page:
>> 1885-1889_item1/P128.html
>> and second page:
>> item1/P129.html
>> I believe this is what the document states:
>> "No. 35 Raulino
>> Aos oito dias do mes de Setembro do anno de mil oito centos oitenta e
>> nove nesta Egreja parochial da Nossa Senhora da Purificação, logar de Santo
>> Espirito, Concelho da Vila do Porto, Diocese de Angra batizei solemente um
>> individio do sexo masculino, a quem dei o nomo de Raulino, e que nasceu
>> nesta freguesia as oito horas da manha dia vinte nove de Julho do dito
>> anno, filho natural de Alexhandrina da Assunção empregada no service
>> domestic, solteira natural, parochiana e moradora no termo da Calheta desta
>> freguesia neta [I think this should read neto] paterna e materna d’avos
>> ocultos. Foi padrinho Pedro Jose Coelho, casado ?, e madrinha Maria de
>> Braga solteira empregada no service domestico, os quaes todos sei seram os
>> peroprios. E para constar lavrei em duplicado este asunto que depois de ser
>> lido e conferido perante os padrinhos commigo o não assignou por não saber
>> escrever nem ler"
>> From my read of this it appears that Raulino's grandparents are not
>> known. His mother's name is given as Alexhandrina da Assunção. Is there
>> a clue in the name? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>> A couple of additional notes from family stories. Raulino's baptismal
>> godmother (Maria de Braga) is said to have been Alexandrina's aunt.
>> Raulino's father is said to have been named Raulino Jose de Sousa. The
>> family story is that Raulino's father was a cattle merchant from Sao Miguel.
>> Again any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> George
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