Hi Colleen,

Here's a translation of the top, right corner entry.  I broke it up by 
lines as they are in the original document so you can compare the two.  I 
don't know your skill level, but I'd be happy to provide a transcription 
too if you're trying to learn to read the records.

passport number: 838 
August 30th
Destination: United States of North America

Elvira Augusta, aged 30,
married to Antonio Augus-
to de Cunha, proprieta-
ria, native of the parish
of Santa Cruz, isle [of] Gracio-
sa of this district; taking her
son, Joao Augusto da Cu-
nha aged 15 single, labor
-er, Alfredo Augusto da
Cunha [the age] of 11, and Rosalia [aged] 6 years,
all of the said [i.e., the same] parish.


On Monday, October 10, 2016 at 4:46:29 PM UTC-7, Colleen Wright wrote:
> I believe this to be my great-grandmother's passport along with 3 of her 
> children, Alreado, Rosalia, Joao (Jose)! I know they arrived 9/16/1913 on 
> the ship Canopic.
> Top right corner 
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/PASSAPORTES-TER-1912-1914/PASSAPORTES-TER-1912-1914_item1/P118.html
> Thank you again for your help,
> Colleen Wright
> Researching: Cunha, Bettencourt, Rosa from Graciosa

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